suits & happy

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I lay there, still.
Staring up at the ceiling, thinking about this weird sensation that always ran through me when I saw him. Oh man.. this was just going to get worse.

Just then there was a knock at the door. I immediately got up and opened it to find him. Again.
"Hey Steve!", I said trying pretty hard to sound normal now but oh boy, there was something absolutely weird happening which suddenly made me feel like I should get shy in his presence and gave me intense joy.

"Hey Tony. Our suits have come in so well, you are called.", He said as I nodded and followed him down to the hall we'd been a while back.
"Are you okay, Tony?"
"Why would I not be okay?"
"No, I mean you look a little tired and stuff, or maybe it's just me imagining.. I'm sorry."

'No you are not imagining a-hole! Something is wrong with me!', I thought as we walked into the hall.
"Good evening.", The queen said for the first time, like she was quite pleased about life.
"It's night, queen.", I stated as she gave me a stern look.
"No so that you knew that we were here at the middle of the night and it better be worth a while, or I am leaving.", I said without a care of the world. My eyes feel on Steve's face who was giving me his favourite amused smile.

Oh God! That rush of hormones! Was I back to my teenage days or something?!

"It's worth every moment, Anthony. Now please keep your silence or it's better if you continue staring at Steve.", The queen said as I suddenly turned red in embarrassment.
"I. Was. Not. Staring.", I stated when Natasha walked into the hall.
"The truth is the truth,Tony.", She said and gave the queen a wink.

Wait what?! She just winked at the queen?! What the hell!

"Oh God, he was not staring at me Nat. It's okay, can we please continue?", Steve said in his silky calm voice as the Queen gave me and amused look and then nodded,
"Here, Stark. Take your favourite Iron Man suit. We leave for the quest the day after and tomorrow you can wear it and do the testing.", She said handing me the artificial heart that I had been wearing during our war with Thanos.

I took it and immediately placed it on my chest.
"Thanks woman", I said feeling pleased.
"The word is Queen, Mr. Stark.", She said sternly and then turned towards Steve who was also looking at me in bewilderment.

Wait! Was I embarrassing myself in front of him?? Oh I'm such an arse!

"Yeah, whatever.", I mumbled now staring at Steve, as usual. She handed him his shield.
"There you go. Your vibranium shield.", She said with a smile.
Wait? Was she also having a crush on Steve??

Oh, wait. Just to clear out something, I'm not having a crush on him. No. Never. Never ever.

"Oh you so have.", I heard the Queen said as I immediately turned towards her but she was not looking at me.
'But I heard–", I was thinking when it was her voice that cut off my thoughts,
"If I can read your thoughts, what makes you think that I cannot speak to you this way, Stark?", She said but when I looked at her in real life, she seemed to be pretty busy in saying good things about Steve.
"Don't be jealous. I have nothing for him. He's all yours.", I voice said in my mind.
"Yeah, whatever.", I replied in my mind, now staring at Steve again.

"Okay, so the needful is done. You have tomorrow, use your weapons and get ready. Domaubris is not going to be easy.", The queen said finally coming out of my mind.
"But aren't we like already dead? So what can possibly happen?", Steve asked.
"You can disappear completely into the cosmos, Steve. It is therefore said, death is never the end. You are still here, but after you disappear from here, your existence is wiped off. Completely.", The Queen replied as Steve gave her a nod.

"I'm going to sleep.", I said with a yawn.
"Yeah, sleepy cat.", Nat said with a smirk.
"I'll pretend like I didn't hear that.", I said as I immediately walked out of the hall closely followed by Steve.

"Hey Tony. Stop.", He said as I paused.
"Yeah, Cap. How are you?", I asked just to prevent myself from blushing.
And yes, I'm not a sexist, men blush too.

"I'm fine Tony. I don't know why this came to my mind but, what gives you happiness?", He asked as I gave him a brief look and said what I thought I should,

"Whenever I think of happiness. There's only one face that comes to my mind.
That's you."


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