iron & strange

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The next morning I was standing in the garden. I shut my eyes and tapped the thing on my chest.
It took a while before the metal spread out forming my iron man suit.
"This feels good, doesn't it?", The Queen suddenly appeared beside me.
"You're gonna give me a heart attack, woman!", I said almost shouting. I was in my suit as I looked at her.
"That's the one thing that is not possible. ", She said not looking at me.
"Regretful about it?"
"Pleased. At least you're not dying because of me anymore.", I stared at her for a while, absorbing everything. She suddenly snapped out of her daze.

"Anyways, how's the thing between Steve and you going?", She asked, changing the topic.
"It's fine. Oh wait! No there's nothing between us. Please.", I said immediately, turning red.
"Who do you think you are lying to Anthony? I know everything. ", She said in a calm voice.

"Yeah whatever, Hermione Granger.", I said looking away, feeling embarrassed.
"Now who's that?"
"She's also a know - it - all like you.", I stated.
"I must leave. Steve's here.", Saying so she suddenly disappeared in thin air.

I really feel that she's Loki's unknown sister.

"Hi, Tony.", Steve said as a deep feeling of joy crept over me.
"Oh - hi, Steve. You look good with that shield.", I said.
"And you look great in your iron man suit.", He said with a smile.
"Thanks.", I said as I removed my face mask, revealing my face.
"By the way, have you seen Nat?", He asked as a pang of jealousy ran through me.
"No.", I stated putting back the mask.

"By the way, I must say this that I love the way you get jealous at times.", He said smiling slowly.
"And why would I, America's ass?", I asked pretending like I had no idea what he was talking about.
"I don't know although a cute pet name, I must say.", He said looking at the grass on the ground and then looking up holding onto that heartwarming smile.

"You need not hide yourself behind that suit, Tony.", He said softly, with concern.
I tapped the arc reactor as the suit was gone instantaneously.
"I hope I'm not hiding anymore, Rogers.", I said with a smirk.
"You cannot hide from me, Tony. Whether you wear that suit or you don't.", He said silkily. Our eyes met, and there was again this insane rush of hormones through my body.

Why? Why would this happen now?

"Don't hide yourself, like you always do Tony. It will not help anybody.", He whispered as I felt a lump in my throat.
"Steve, it helps me."
"It makes you more vulnerable than you are."
"I'm not vulnerable, I'm Iron Man.", I stated resenting the fact that what he said was actually the truth.

"No, you're just a man with a heart of iron.", He said with a smile. I did not say anything after this as I stood looking at him, absorbing his words.

We were right back in the hall waiting for some really special person. I could say that by the Queen's look. She looked, honestly, pretty. Most probably her long lost boyfriend or something.
"Now who is this great personality, who is so very punctual?", I asked giving her a bored look as she strode across the hall.
"Shut up Anthony!", She said and then went back to her thoughts.
"Oh whatever. Nevermind, I would like to meet him because he made the queen so impatient. Must be a man of calibre.", Saying so I winked at Natasha who suppressed her laughter.

Suddenly I heard something behind me as the Queen paused and looked like God had himself come to release her from her sins.
Alright, I know that would be her dad but whatever, I still want to sit beside Jesus.

I immediately turned to find the man with 'one possibility'
You remember him?
Yes, the red cloak, blue gown and an eye shaped pendent.
The doctor who is Strange or actually wait, that's his actual surname.

"Doctor Strange.", The Queen said immediately walking up to him.
Strange gave her a courteous nod and then looked at me. Straight into my eyes giving me a piercing look and then walked up to me.
"Tony.", He said with a smile.
"So you know how to smile? That's Strange.", I said with a wink.
"I know to do a lot of things, Tony. You'll get to know it soon.", He said with his I'm a great doctor smile.

"Ah, we'll see, Dr. Strange.", I said as he hugged me.
"Trust me, I feel less regretful now."
"It was not your fault, man. In any case, I believe in peace, so no hard feelings.", I said as he hugged me tightly.
"We missed you."


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