The next sword is a troublesome one. Loki's luck is the nemesis of all low lvl swords. Opponent loses 10% of his luck for every move. No, this one too is not suitable for you. Try this one.
They move to the next sword.Kaito pulls the sword out. It starts humming and he fills a chill run down his spine.
Nice pick kiddo. Its the starter sword from the Kraken series. 'Kraken carnage' lays waste to all weapons of the same level. Armours and charms don't work on this ruthless sword. No one has ever been able to bring out the full potential of this sword before. Hope this sword brings you luck.
Kaito gives the shopkeeper 2000 mid-level crystals and leaves the shop.
Now I have to comprehend that old man's move. One move, One strike, one intent. I'll try slicing this tree here.
He draws the sword out, focuses on the tree and strikes it with full force. the sword cuts through 30cm of the tree. He tries swinging the sword for a few hours and is able to cut through 100cm of the tree trunk.
What the heck is this? I am unable to cut through this tree?
Let me try once more. One move, One strike, One intent. Let me keep my mind calm, even the sound of the breeze shouldn't distract me. The tree is in my way and I need to cut through it. Just focus on the tree.He focuses on the tree, everything in the background fades. Now he draws the sword out and it starts humming. He brings the sword above his head and strikes with full force
The tree gets cut into two. when he inspects the tree, he sees that the trunk had become withered.
He sensed that his sword might have demon powers. But he's happy with improvements he's made."GROWL"
The sun is blazing and my stomach is grumbling, let me have lunch and take some rest.
Forsaken Legend:Book1-Kaito Washi of Chiba
FantasyA novel with perspectives from 43 different characters. Each character spin off will run upto the tournament. Book 1 starts with kaito's(Chiba) perspective. Depending upon the response I get, I'll write the next few chapters. No shipping for the fi...