Be Our Guest

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Belle had brought some bread and Jam from the bakery. She walked over to the bagger woman name Agatha and handed her the bread and jam. "Thank you Ms" responded Agatha. Before Belle could leave, Agatha stop her. "You know there is more then this small town if you could open your eyes and get out of the books you will find what you were looking for" she told her. Belle smiled. "Thank you Agatha" Belle responded and went on her way. 

Before she could go back inside her house she saw Philippe without her father. "Philippe where is papa?" she asked feeling concern. She hop right on and let the horse bring her to where he last saw her father. When they got to the castle it was night time. They had left when it was still day. It was a almost one day journey to get to the castle. Belle got off Philippe and ran to the castle. She open the door and looked around. She heard coughing and went upstairs with Lumiere so she can see.  

"Mama there's a girl in the castle" said Chip to Mrs. Potts. Mrs. Potts had actually adopted Chip after when he was born and his birth mother had died because the Beast couldn't love his son. Right now there is no love in the Beast's heart. 

Belle got upstairs and found her father in a cell. "Papa, is that you?" Belle yelled noticing how sick her father is. "Belle, how did you find me?" he asked "Your hands are ice. We need to get you home" she told him. "Belle, Belle, you must leave here at once. This castle is alive. Now go before he finds you!" ordered Maurice. "Who?" asked Belle. They both turn to the same direction where they heard the Beast roaring. She sees the Beast's silhouette in an upper part of the tower. 

"Who's there? Who are you?" ordered Belle. The Beast angrily said "WHO ARE YOU?" "I've come for my father" yelled Belle. "You a THIEF" The Beast told her. "Liar!" yelled Belle in disbelieve. "He stole a rose" responded the Beast. "I asked for the rose. Punish ME, not him" Belle ordered. Then Maurice told Belle "No, he means forever. Apparently, that's what happened around here when you pick a flower!" Then Belle responded to the Beast "A life sentence for a rose?" The Beast leaps down to her section of the tower, but remains hidden in the shadows. 

"I received eternal damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away. Now. do you still wish to take your father's place?" he asked. "Come into the light" she told him. The Beast doesn't move. Belle grabs Lumiere and holds him up to his face. Seeing the Beast's intimidating appearance she gasps in fear. 

Then Beast told her "Choose" very irked. "Belle. I won't let you do this. I lost your mother. I won't lose you too! Now go. Go!" cough Maurice. "Alright. Papa, I'll leave" she told her father then said to the Beast "I need a minute alone with him." The Beast turns away. "You're being so cold-hearted you won't allow a daughter to say goodbye to her father? Forever can spare a minute" ordered Belle. The Beast turns towards her, glaring at her. Then he pulls the switch opening the dungeon door. 

"When this door closes, it will not open again" the Beast told her and letting her go inside and hugged her father. Belle puts Lumiere down and runs up to her father and hugs him.  "I should have been here with you" she told him. "Listen, Belle. It's alright. Go. Live your life, and forget about me" Maurice told her. "Forget you? Everything I am is because of you" she told him. "I love you, Belle. Don't be afraid" he told her. "I love you too, Papa. I'm not afraid" she told him then whisper "And I will escape, I promise." Maurice got confused and said "What?" Belle pushes Maurice outt of the dungeon and closes the door. 

"You took his place" responded the Beast surprised. "He's my father" she responded. "Then he is a fool. And so are you" he yelled taking Maurice away. "Belle..." Maurice called out. The Beast drags Maurice out of the castle and throw him into a carriage to send him back to town. "Papa!" Belle called out. "Be gentle with him." "Belle. I'll come back! I promise!"

Beauty and the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now