As long as there's Christmas part 2

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Belle is on a mission to bring back Christmas to the Beast and everyone in the castle. She actually wrote a story as a present for the Beast not knowing that years ago on their last Christmas, the Beast had gotten a story and he acted like a spoil brat and ungrateful. That same day an old woman came to the door with a rose and because he won't accept the rose and let her in for shelter because he was rude, she turned him into the Beast and cursed everyone in the castle. Belle told everyone about her plans on bringing back Christmas and wanted to keep it a surprise for the Beast. She also had left her story wrapped next to the rose. The Beast saw the present and Lumiere told him that a girl got him it. That made him intrigue and want to open it but Lumiere told him that he can't because it's not Christmas yet. The Beast the decided to asked Forte the wall organ to compose a song for her and to make it happy. When the Beast found Belle hey got into an argument. The Beast said "You can not possibly understand...You have no idea what it's like to lose everything, to be trapped in your own castle to be a...a..." "A prisoner?" Belle cut in. Belle know exactly how that feel. "The only one holding us prisoner here is you. Well, I'm not giving up" she told him and then leaves. 

That was when Belle realized that he had forbid Christmas but when she was talking to Chip she also decided that they will have Christmas with or without him.  She had wrapped her present for the Beast and left it by the rose. The Beast saw it and when Lumiere told him that a girl gave him it, he was intrigue and wanted to open it knowing that it is from Belle. Lumiere told him he couldn't open it now because it's not Christmas yet. It's Christmas Eve. That was when the Beast had decided that he wants Forte to compose it and told him to make the song happy. Of course Forte didn't like that. He wants to stay as an organ. He gotten Belle to find him and trick her with her love for Christmas. Forte said "But did you look in the Black Forest? There you will find a tree better than any you can dream of." "Better? We gotta go Belle. We gotta" pleaded Chip. "Chip, we can't. I promise your master I wouldn't leave the castle grounds. I gave my word" she told him. "Cheer up son, there's a profound lesson to be learned here. Keeping your word is much more important than bringing joy to another" he responded. "You're twisting what I say" she told him. "Not at all. I agree with you. Look after yourself. Let the master do the same. Never mind that the tree was always his favorite part of Christmas" he responded. "Please Belle, please" Chip begged. Belle looked out the window. "It looks dangerous" she said. "Mademoiselle, you are in more danger in this very room. I assure you" responded Forte with a smirk. "All right" responded Belle given in. "Yes!" cheer Chip. "We'll take Philipe. If we hurry we can be back by nightfall" Belle instructed. "Hurray!" responded Chip excitedly. "Au revior Monsieur Forte. You'll keep my secret won't you?" she asked before she leave. "Of course Mademoiselle, the master will remain completely in the dark" he reassured her. "Au revior Fife" said Belle to Fife and then leaves. 

"Au revior" said Fife obviously crushing on Belle. "Fife! I want you to follow her. Make sure that they don't come back" Forte instructed. "Oh but Maestro, she's so nice" responded Fife. "When you are finished fauning Fife perhaps you can recommend someone else to play your solo" responded Forte. "No! I'm going, I'm going" responded Fife and leaves.  

The Beast was in the rose room, tidying up and humming to himself. "Cogsworth" he called. "Oh yes, comming, comming" Cogsworth run. "You bellowed sir?" "Find Belle. She has to hear a song" he told him. "Yes, sir. Right away sir. Uh yes. Spendid. Yes, Spendid. Right away sir" Cogsworth left and look for her. "Belle? Belle? Where is She? Belle?" he called for her. 

When Cogsworth got to everyone he asked "Belle? Excuse me, Hello. Has anyone seen Belle? I can't find her anywhere and the Master is demanding to see her now. He's got a song he wants her to hear." "C'est magnifiques!" said Lumiere excitedly. "Last I saw of her, she was going with Chip to look for a Christmas tree" responded Mrs. Potts. "Right, we must conduct a search of the ground. Lumiere you're with me" Cogsworth instructed. "Cogsworth, I'm waiting" the Beast yelled. 

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