Chapter Three

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Hider was pacing back and forth outside of the infirmary, unsure of what to do. He had tried to go in several times, but Gerald kept forcing him out, saying he needed the space. So Hider just continued pacing, he had nothing else to do.

Soon after Hider had attempted to get in on his fourth try, Ink came out of the infirmary.

"Anything?" Hider asked him, though he wasn't sure Ink would know.

"Well, Gerald said it would take a while, and that he would send someone for us once we were done. But other than that, he seems to be stable right now." Ink answered, and Hider was sure he heard Ink's voice quivering as he spoke. Hider never thought about how this could've affected Ink. He was fourteen, and he just saw a friend of his, with a jagged chunk of flint hanging from one of his eyes. Hider wondered if Matty would still have his good looks after this ordeal.

Ink was about to leave, but Hider stopped him.

"Ink, if Herobrine can see one move ahead, how come he didn't block the attack you made?" Hider asked. Ink thought about it for a moment.

"Well, could it to with the fact that he was taking my entire being at the moment? Maybe all his power went into that, and he couldn't do both things at once?" He asked.

"Yeah, that could be it. We should run this by Steve, and ask if we can add it to the book of Herobrine. Or at least, ask if it's a possible weakness of his." Hider concluded, thinking more to himself than to Ink.

"Well, if that's all you had to ask, I'm going to go now." Ink said, before leaving. Hider watched him go.

He sighed, it was now 12:30pm, and Hider had nothing to do until 3pm. He could either go back to mining, and search for his diamonds again, or he could train, and get the diamonds between the 3-4pm session.

Hider decided he was going to go mining first, considering he hadn't actually clocked out yet, and would then go training.

Once back at the mine, Hider went back the way he came to find the diamonds from before. He took a turn, then another.

Hider last the spot where he found coal, then the spot where he found redstone and iron. Hider knew he was close.

Left, right, down.

Hider found the spot where the diamonds were, but something was different.

Hider's sign was there, but someone was mining his diamonds, as if she didn't see the sign. Hider could distinctively see a blue creeper face on the back of their hoodie, and he knew that it was the person that Choco was escorting earlier.

"Hey!" Hider shouted, picking up the sign, and turning it around to her. "Can't you read?" He asked.

The girl turned around, and Hider gasped.

The girls hoodie was off, so Hider could make out everything about her. She had jet black hair, and golden eyes. She also had her blue creeper hoodie, black jeans, and grey boots. And she was mining his diamonds with an enchanted diamond pick.

"Finders keepers, sorry." She said, turning around to continue mining the diamonds.

"Well, can I at least have two?" Hider asked, approaching her. "That's how many I saw when I found them."

"Eh, sure." She said, throwing two back towards him without looking. "The names Singularity, by the way. But most people call me Singular, or just Sing, for short." She finished mining the vein of diamonds. There was six blocks in total, but it appeared that Sing also had a fortune pickaxe, as she had more than six in her hand.

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