Chapter Five

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As they walked, Hider though about his parents. He didn't know much about them, he and Chocolottie had to leave them at a young age. They didn't want to, but they had no choice. He looked at Choco, knowing that she still thought about them too. He felt bad for her, she took it differently than he did. And that different thinking was what separated the two of them.

Choco and Chookie were talking, trying to incorporate Sing in their conversation. It wasn't working, so it was mostly a conversation between the two of them as they walked with Sing. White walked on the other side of them, and when Hider tried to approach him, White switched sides to avoid him further. He was starting to annoy Hider.

It was approaching nighttime, and in the distance, there was a zombie. White swiftly pulled out his crossbow, enchanted with infinity, and shot it in the head. The zombie died, and the group continued walking. They were now in sector 18. Hider got bored, and began listening in on the conversation the girls were having.

"So, Sing," Choco started. She looked up to her. "What was it like living in ThornyCroft?" She asked.

"Eh, it was okay. I mean, I didn't like it, but it worked at the time." She said, looking forward.

"Oh hey, I have a family member in ThornyCroft!" Chookie exclaimed happily.

"What? You left them?" Choco asked. "Why?"

Chookie hesitated, and right before she spoke, Sing answered for her.

"Everyone has their reasons," She stated. "Zombie inbound." She said, gesturing with a diamond sword to a zombie in the distance. It was roughly 150 blocks away, in a small clearing.

"I got it." White said, stepping in front of the group, and aiming. His shot was the perfect aim to hit the zombie in the head.

But the zombie ducked out of the way.

"Uhh.." Chookie said.

"Maybe it fell in a hole?" Choco said, although they knew that wasn't true.

The zombie came back into view, along with an abundant horde of zombies behind it. The group stared at them.

"Well, we've got some work to do." White said, pulling out his diamond sword - enchanted with smite II -, and his iron sword - enchanted with sharpness III -. He charged towards the horde.

"Guess we're fighting them." Sing said, pulling out her duel diamond swords, also charging into battle.

"I recommend staying close to me, I can use potions of healing and regeneration for two benefits." Chookie stated, running after the two.

Choco began marching forward, but Hider put a hand on her shoulder.

"You don't have to do this, you know." He said.

"I know. But I want to." She said, charging after the group, chainmail armour - protection II - equipped, and diamond sword - sharpness II - in hand. Hider sighed, and joined them.

As he got closer, Hider could see there was roughly 100 zombies within the group, they were formed in a relatively tight-packed circle, which did not match normal zombie criteria, in Hider's eyes.

"Stay close, everyone, don't get separated!" Chookie shouted, throwing a splash potion of healing towards the horde, several were damaged, but not killed.

White ran up to one and attempt to stab it, but the zombie jumped out of the way, and only got sliced in the arm.

"What the-" He exclaimed, as the zombie pulled out its own weapon, a stone sword, and slashed at him. The zombie stabbed his stomach, puncturing skin. Chookie threw a splash potion of regeneration between them; White started healing, while the zombie started dying. It soon succumbed to the effects of the potion, and died, leaving a feather, and its stone sword behind. White turned around to see a zombie several blocks away from him. He watched as the zombies head dropped to the ground.

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