Chapter 5: Repercssions

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A/N: "I'm sorry guys for the late update guys, work had kept me from getting time to write. Anyway I hopefully can get more chapters out quicker once my schedule calms down. Hope you enjoy it. Also play the music if you want in the background."


Last time:

While this little reunion was happening I knew the killer intent had filled the air. I looked over to see Yang but her eyes had turned red.

Raven: "Hello Yang." Raven said in her normal emotionless voice.

Yang: "Mom."

Yang then balled up her fists as she launched herself at Raven.

Yang: "You bitch!"

Now back to the story:

3rd person

Everyone watched as Yang activated her gauntlets and launched herself towards Raven, with almost all of them were in shock. Raven in response got into a defensive stance, unsheathing her katana as Yang sails towards her. Yang in mid-air gets ready for a left hook only to have all of her momentum stopped suddenly, causing everyone to break out of their shocked daze. When Yang then noticed her lack of movement she looked down to see F/N had wrapped his arms around her shoulders preventing her from reaching her mom, Arc energy sparked off of him.

Yang: "What are you doing!"

F/N: "What does it look like!"

Yang then starts to try to struggle out of F/N's grip, kicking and thrashing about.

Yang: "Let me go!"

F/N: "No!"

Yang: "Why! She did it, it's all her fault!"

Raven then sheaths her blade and looks at her daughter with slight confusion.

Raven: "And what might that be?"

Qrow: "Raven."

Yang: "You're the reason I hurt him! The reason why I thought I was doing it was right!"

She was on the verge of crying.

Yang: "If you never left none of this would have happened! I would have never hurt him! I would have never done any of it to prove something to you! It's all your fault!"

Raven was taken aback by her daughter's words.

F/N: "Yang!"

She stopped struggling and looked back at F/N to see him with a hurt expression.

F/N: "I know it hurts. I know you want revenge for what she did, but please calm down."

Yang started to calm down till the point where she stopped thrashing about.

F/N: "Yang, you're right about one thing."

Yang: "What." *She still had tears running down her face.*

F/N: "If she never had left then none of this would have happened, Sure you would never had hurt me, but you never would have met me."

Yang: "What?"

F/N: "If Raven never left, Summer would never have married Tai. Ruby would never have been born, I would have been left in that alley. None of this would have happened. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She nodded to which F/N let her go only for her to pull him into a hug, crying into his shoulder. Raven actually grows a look of remorse on her face and tries to make her way to the two only for Qrow to stop her.

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