Chapter 9: Hello there

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A/N: "Ok guys where few chapters away from the end."

Ghost: "So you think you'll get this done before school starts?"

A/N: "Maybe?"

Weiss: "You don't sound so sure about that?"

A/N: "Well I'm not exactly."

Yang: "Well we believe in you!"

A/N: "Thanks now let's get to the chapter!"
Ozpin's Perspective

It was the day after the dance which we also found out was used to cover a break in on the CCT.

Ironwood: "They were here... Ozpin they were here!"

Glynda: "We are very much aware of that. Thank you James."

Ironwood: "Fantastic you're aware. Now are we going to do something or are we going to stay the course and continue to ignore what is right in front of us."

*Beep beep.*

Ozpin: "Come in."

We all looked to see miss Rose walked in.

Ruby: "Ah! Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the way up here. It wasn't me."

Distant sound of dinging can be heard in the background but no one noticed.

Ozpin: "Thank you for coming Ruby . How are you feeling?"

Ruby: "Okay I guess. I'd feel better if my bad guy catching record wasn't 0 to 3."

*Dink dink.*

We all just stared at her unimpressed.

Ruby: "Oh so that's the tone we're going with, got it...."

*Dink dink*

Ironwood: "Ruby, I feel like it is appropriate to tell you that what you did last night is exactly what being a huntress is all about." *He said while putting a hand on her shoulder.* "You recognized a threat, you took action and you did the very best you could."

*Dink! Dink!*

Ruby: "Thank you Sir and Professor is one of your cog's broke I can hear something."

Glynda: "So I'm not the only one."

Ozpin: "Indeed you're not, but I don't believe it's one of them."

Ironwood: "Then what?"

Ruby: "Um Professor's, General."

Ruby then pointed behind me which got all of us to look at her with confusion.

Ozpin: "Ruby what are you?"

We all have two defining thuds. As I and the others turned around we saw something very out of the ordinary. Mr. Hunter was waving at us through the window while holding on to one of his knives implanted into the tower. We all just stared at him before he spoke.

F/N: "Hello there."

I broke out of my trance and gestured to Glynda.

Ozpin: "Glynda would you mind?"

She also broke her trance as she lifted her Riding crop and the glass moved out of the frame as F/N rolled into the room while putting his knives back in his boots. Glynda then moved the glass into place.

Ozpin: "Mr. Hunter this is unexpected."

F/N: "You should have said General Kenobi but whatever." *He said while shrugging.*

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