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A/N: "Here's the last chapter of book two."

Ghost: "Let's see how being the ruler of a species is like?"

A/N: "Ya hopefully there's not a lot of paper work."
F/N's perspective

F/N: (There's! So! Much! Paperwork!)

I was sitting in my new office/meeting room inside one of the building in Mt. Glenn or Kell's landing as the Elixni were calling it. I sighed and looked out over the city as skiffs carried supplies for rebuilding and repairing the destroyed structures. Hovering over the city were the ketch's as they awaited the shipyard to be built. It'll take a few mouths but it beats them being tethered to the skyscrapers. I turned back to the paper I had on my desk. Today's was signing the last of the release forms for the city. I got back to work as I thought about what had transpired.

It's been about a week since I had become the Kell of Kells and it has been exhausting. From getting the rights to claim Mt. Glenn as our settlement, to signing of non-aggression pacts with the four kingdoms. It's been a hell of a lot of paperwork and politics.

On top of that they got away. When Torchwick gave us the names of his employers, they were gone. Like that transfer dorm room, Gone. Everything was scorched. No trace of where they had gone. On the bright side however at least Torchwick and Neo are off the hook and are working with Spider in espionage.

That's something else I have been dealing with lately. Organizing the houses into more specialized roles. So far I cut a deal with Spider for in exchange for ether he would get to work making 'his web' as he called it, with Torchwick helping out where he could.

Draksis had become in charge of the new city's defense, you know patrolling the borders, dealing with defenses, all that jazz.

Similarly Craask had been put in charge of planetary defense so he's off with his fleet setting up sensor arrays and planning for situations that might threaten the safety of everyone.

Randle chose himself as chief of arms and resources. You running low on ether? Go to house Exile. Sector 6 need more I-beams and cement? Go to house Exile. You get the point, but that don't mean he don't find ways to slip out of work. Reminds me of a certain someone.

Mithrax and house Wolves on the other hand kinda became my personal guard seeing as how small there house had become after the events back in Sol. They basically are present if there's a major meeting or if I'm just walking around the city to see its progress. Though I find it reassuring that Mithrax takes it upon himself to escort me himself witch allowed me to get to know the guy a bit better.

Variks logically became our diplomat and helps me with running the city when I'm around and takes over when I gone. He's also helped me with learning their culture and customs. This wouldn't be running so smoothly without him.

As for everyone else at Beacan.... well.

Flashback to one hour after the trial.

I and the others were aboard a skiff heading back to Beacon.

Cayde: "Well hows it feel being Kell of Kells?"

F/N: "Don't really know yet."

Ironwood: "Well trust me when I saw there's going to be a lot of politics and paperwork heading your way."

F/N: "Why you say that?"

Ironwood: "I run a military and there's plenty of paperwork there."

Ozpin: "But let's not dwell on that, as for you F/N. You will be exempt from classes until further notice. I assume acclimating to your new responsibilities will take some time."

A Hunter's Journey: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now