Chapter 8: Dance and Song

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A/N: "Hello guys I'm back with another chapter!"

Ghost: "Let's just hope this schedule stays consistent."

A/N: "You say that like you have no faith in me."

Ghost: "I do."

A/N: "Oh then here's the chapter and I'm going to go sit in the corner."

Ghost: "Big baby."
3rd person.

So far the night was off to a good start. Blake and Yang were dancing while F/N had a slightly salty look on his face. When they were done though Yang just gave him a snarky smirk as she gestured that it was his turn. He then extended out his hand to which Blake accepted and started to waltz. Yang then walks over to the rest of her team as they watch the scene unfold as the couple laughed and looked happy.

Yang: "Told you she would come."

Weiss: "Mission accomplished."

Ruby: "So what now?"

Yang: "Have fun."

Then the two team members left their awkward leader to her own devices.

First person

For a little bit now me and Blake have been dancing, just moving back and forth with the music like nothing else really mattered. She then rested her head on my chest and looked up at me.

Blake: "So this is how you do it."

I was a little confused about the question before getting what she meant.

F/N: "Ya it's the little moments like this. Spending time with friends and those I care about makes me forget about everything, even if only for a moment or two. It reminds me of what I'm fighting for."

Blake smiles as she slightly purrs which gets me to chuckle a bit. We stay like this for a while until the song ends and we walk off the dance floor and over to the tables.

When we got there we took seats and watched the dance for a bit until Star appeared next to us.

Star: "You two enjoying yourselves?"

Blake: "Ya we are actually."

I just give her a nod.

F/N: "So what have you been up too?"

Star: "Nothing much just listened to Oz try to give Ruby a pep talk on dancing."

F/N: "Well this is good for her, she needs to learn that you can't spend your entire life on the battlefield."

Star: "That's exactly what he said."

Blake just chuckled, then the music changed to something hip-hop and a couple people started to breakdance.

Star: "Hey you should be up there."

F/N: "Oh what no I haven't done stuff like that in a long time."

Blake: "Oh now you have to do it, cause I need to see this."

F/N: "What no."

She then started to give the puppy eyes.

F/N: "No no noooo.... oh fine. You're hanging out with Ruby too much."

Blake just had a satisfied look on her face as I got up and proceeded to the dance floor getting everyone's attention, they cleared the floor a bit as I cracked my knuckles.

F/N: "Alright let's see if I still have it."

(Play the video up and just imagine that you're the hunter's in it.)

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