CH 1

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Bethany's P.O.V

Leaning on the side of my car, I watched as the business of the campus ran about. There were students and their parents or families running wild around trying to move in their beloeved children. It sometimes made me jealous when I saw others my age with their familes or when I was in high school how all the others would talk about how they wish their parents would get off their backs and I was sitting there begging and wishing I had parents to be constantly on my case. There is always the saying you never know what you have until its gone and for most of the people I know, its the truth.

Opening my trunk, I pulled out the trashbag of the sheets and pillow I was able to buy with my last paycheck and my suitcase. Closing the trunk, I started the journey inside one of the dorm buildings. It was even busier inside then outside. Every step you took, you were bumping into someone. Walking up to the front desk to sign in, there was a long line of students and families. From the looks of it, this was a coed dorm building. I remember asking to live in a girls only dorm but I suppose that was not going to be the case. After about a half hour of standing in line, I finally reached the front office. "Hi Sugar, can I just get a name please?" the pretty, young blonde says behind the window. "Bethany Chavers." I say as I feel my phone alert me of a text in my pocket. I ignore it and watch as the blonde typed away at a computer. "Alright you are in room 36 and your room is A." She says handing me an envelope. "This has your keys and the emergency contacts and such inside. There also is a map of the campus. Welcome to the University of Washington!" She exclaims smiling a very toothy smile. "Thank you" I say walking towards the hallway.

My dorm was on the first floor, but with the hallways still being extremely crowded, it was hard trying to get through. There was music blasting through the rooms, people were bustling through, either trying to get through or messing around trying to have fun with people trying to get through. Finally reaching my room, I pull the key out of the envelope and unlocked the door. Stepping inside, there was a mini kitchen to the left with a living room set up in front of it with two doors. My door was right across from the bathroom to the left, all alone.

Stepping to unlock it, I hear one of the other doors open. I look to find a blonde and a brunette stepping out of one of the rooms. The blonde was tall and skinny with high cheek bones. She had blue eyes and I was already jealous of them. The brunette was short but she was still very skinny and has tan carmel skin with brown eyes but she was very beautiful. "Hey you must be the new roomate." the blonde says walking and sitting on the kitchen counter. The small brunette follows and tries to do the same thing but fails and the blonde laughs. I try not too but it was kind of hard. I know what that feels like though. I hate being too short. "I'm Sawyer." the blonde says after trying hard not to keep laughing. "I'm Dalia." the brunette says looking like she was trying to pout but in the end laughing at herself. "Bethany" I say setting the trash bag down as I feel like I am going to be standing here for a minute. "We're both juniors. Our last roomate was Sarah but she graduated." Dahlia says grabbing an apple from a bowl on the counter.

I nod and say "That's cool." Sawyer turned and also grabbed an apple from the bowl and began to eat it. "We all like to chip in where we can whether it be grocieries, toiletries or for stuff for laundry. Is that gonna work with you?" Dahlia says taking another bite of the apple. "Yeah I can do that." I say nodding. The only perks about my last foster home being here in Seattle was that I was able to keep the job at the coffee shop I've been working at since I was sixteen.

I pick up my trash bag and say "Well I'm gonna unpack and get everything set up. Did you need to talk to me about anything else?". Dahlia and Sawyer look at eachother looking like they were trying to think if there was anything else. "Oh we tend to have parties here sometimes. Atleast we try to anyways. If not most weekends were at frat houses or at clubs." Sawyer says as I was about to unlock my door. "Is that an issue having them here?" She asks as I do open the door. I look back at her and pause for a moment. I dont want them to hate for saying no but I am also not exactly comfortable with parties. "Uh sure?" I say walking into my room and closing the door.

I set my suitcase and trash bag down on the bed and sit down. Its only ten but I feel exhausted. Not physically but emotionally. Seeing all these families hussiling and bustling to help their new college student makes my heart ache for my parents. I was only six when they were taken from me. I remember bits and pieces of them. The thing I miss the most is the love and a feeling of sercurity. My brother was older and took their death alot harder. We got seperated in the foster system, but my social worker tried her hardest to keep us in contact. I tried to keep in contact with him. He was the only connection I had left to my parents, but he took the opposite and it hurt him to talk to me. For three years, I didnt hear from him. I jumped from foster home to foster home those first few years. Learning to depend on myself, I havent let anyone else in. After five years of not hearing from my brother, we were placed in the same home together. I refused to talk to him. I was eleven years old and he had left me to experience what no eleven year old should ever have to experience.

After about a year, I finally let him in. He had been getting himself into trouble and the foster family was going to kick him out if he didnt change his ways and I didnt want that to happen. Even though I hadnt been talking to him, it was nice having someone that was actually family going through the same hell I was. The family wasnt horrible. In fact, they were the best out of all the homes I've been in.

After some time, Scott became the one person I could actually depend on. He finally came around and changed up his act. When he turned eighteen, he took off for abit, trying to figure out who he was. In between that time, the foster mom I was staying with passed away and the father couldnt handle the three of us that they were living with them. I was placed with a family that already had six kids of their own. The father was a huge creep who didnt know how to keep his hands to himself and the mother and older brother didnt believe me. I was stuck in a situation that I had been in in the past. When my brother came back and found out, he tried everything he could to try and get custody of me, but because of his record he was denied. He was able to get me out of that house though and place with Cynthia.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door breaking me out of my trance. "Yes?" I say as Dahlia opens the door. "Hey we were just gonna go out to the mall to get stuff for the new school year. Did you want to join?". "I'm okay thank you though." I say as she sits down next to me on the bed. "Well you have a good day. I hope we can get to know eachother soon." She says standing up and giving me a hug. She leaves the room and I start to unpack my stuff. I fold the clothes that I own and set them in the dresser in the room. I set the toiletries on the little desk and begin to dress my bed down with the simple plain sheets, pillow and blanket.

Plugging in my phone to charge, I lay down to try and relax before I need to go get my schedule and books. I'm really wanting to start letting people in, but how do I do that? All everyone has done is use me or leave me. But I am so tired of being alone. I need to learn how to trust friends if anything. Before I realize it, through all the thinking, I fall fast asleep.

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