CH 6

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Author's note: 

Thank you to everyone who has been reading! I know I am horrible at updating but I hope that you are enjoying the story! 

Ch 6: 

Waking up to a cold empty bed, I grabbed for my phone to find a note sitting next to it on the nightstand. I turn the lamp on and let my eyes readjust before reading the note.

Hey beautiful girl, 

Some of my friends got to hammered and ended up at bars and needed rides. I didn't want you to think I just left. I was wanting to also take you out to breakfast in the morning if that's alright with you? I'll be back around 9 am. I hope you slept well Bethany.

I set the note down with a smile and lifted my phone to see that it was only four a.m. I set the phone back down and shimmy back into the bed. The only problem was, the only reason the nightmares were gone, was because Wade had his arms around me and now that they aren't, my body went back to not knowing what sleep actually was.

*9:30 am*

"Bethany!" Dahlia and Sawyer say jumping on me. I try to hide more under the covers knowing all the questions were about to come, but I had this knot in my stomach that had me feeling uneasy. Wade hadn't shown yet and I know its only 30 minutes, but still. "Come one! You have to tell us everything!" Sawyer says prying the pillow from my hands as Dahlia rips the blanket off my body. I kept my eyes shut but finally sighed and opened them. They both looked like they had showered and were trying not to show the hangovers they clearly had. How can they have this much energy with a hangover?  

"Now how did it go last night?" Dahlia says as I sit up and lean against my wall. "It was great. We went out for ice cream and ended up talking until it closed. We came back here and watched a movie and fell asleep." I say trying not to sound scared or worried to why he hasn't showed. "That's awesome" Sawyer says smiling at me as if she were proud of me. I shrug and say "I enjoyed it but I woke up at four a.m. to a note from him that he had to go get his buddies and that he would be back at nine am to take me out for breakfast but its almost ten and he hasn't shown so I don't know what any of this means. This is why I don't get involved. I over think and scare them away or I wont do anything and they think i'm a prude and want nothing to do with me." 

Dahlia and Sawyer give me empathy eyes but I brush them off. "Sweets it sounds like you had fun and that he didn't pressure you into anything. Maybe something came up I'm sure he can explain why he hasn't shown yet." Dahlia says taking my hand. "Well how about we take you to breakfast? Let's have a girls day!" Sawyer exclaims smiling at her brilliant but dragging idea. "Yeah! We can get our nails and hair done and just have fun!" Dahlia says jumping off the bed."I mean we can go out but I don't have enough money to do my hair and nails. But it'll be nice to get out." I say as my phone rings. "We'll pay for it. it'll be our treat." Sawyer says as they exit the room before I can argue. 

I grab my phone off the stand and see an unknown number pop up. I decide to let it go to voicemail and slip it into my jeans pocket that I had changed into earlier. I slip on my old pair of flip flops and walk out of my room to find Sawyer and Dahlia waiting by the door for me. "You don't need to pay for me. I'm just fine not getting my hair or nails done." I say as we walk out of the dorm building. "Nonsense were having a girls day you are our friend and we are going to pay for you. No ifs or buts about it." Dahlia says as we hop into Sawyers jeep.

I huff and decide not to push it. As we pull onto the freeway, I decide to listen the voicemail from the unknown caller. All that came out of the audio was some deep breathing and the whispering of my name. Who was trying to get ahold me and why would they only whispering my name? I began to start to feel very easy. As if noticing, Dahlia asks "Are you okay?" Breaking me from my train of thoughts. I smile and nod. "I'm fine" I say as Sawyers phone begin to ring through her Bluetooth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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