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minho chewed on his lip as he stared at the phone his hands were fiddling with. the hard wall dug uncomfortably into his back, and the floor felt too cold to be seated on, but minho couldn't care less.

he felt like a mess, and although that feeling was one he was already all too familiar with (unfortunately), this time he was tired of feeling that way. he was tired of the same repetitive and negative emotions that threatened to swallow him whole, and he just wanted it to end.

minho felt like giving up once again, but this time, he knew for sure that he couldn't. he couldn't give in into those thoughts -- those urges that pleaded with him to get rid of himself so that he can finally stop feeling so sad and angry all the time -- no matter how hard it got.

minho knew he couldn't let his friends see him like this, so lately he'd been avoiding them as much as he could, mostly because he didn't want them to see how worse he'd gotten. the only person he actually talked to as of recent was woojin, and though the male wasn't as close with minho as seungmin, changbin and felix were, minho still felt like he could talk more freely with the older about whatever went through his head. the older male was comforting like that.

minho barely moved when his phone buzzed with several text message notifications at once, as he was well aware of who exactly was sending them. but as usual, he ignored those texts, carding his fingers through his hair to try and make himself a little bit more relaxed, even though it proved fruitless as he felt too much anxiety at the moment.

minho hated how weak and susceptible to his emotions he could be. he hated it so much. when had he turned into such a freak? why was he behaving like this? why was he so moody all the time?

another message entered his phone. it was from jisung, once again. minho didn't even bother looking at it, as he knew the message would only dampen his spirit. jisung only ruined his mood and mentally tortured him, and now minho had had enough.

1 unread message from 'jisung' !

[jisung: fucking answer me minho or i swear you'll wish you were never born]

minho suddenly found it hard to swallow. it felt like all his organs were being deprived of the oxygen they needed to survive, and he felt like any moment from now he was going to throw up.

his unstable fingers almost dropped his phone as he pressed on the call app, wildly searching through his contacts for a specific name. his mind raced, his head pulsating with a growing migraine. he felt like he was in danger.

1 unread message from 'jisung' !

[jisung: i'll fucking kill you, minho. if i can't have you, no one can]

minho's fingers trembled just as he dialed woojin's number, inhaling large breaths at a time because he felt like he'd lose consciousness if he didn't. his lungs felt they were being crushed into tiny little pieces, so much so that breathing became an action that hurt.

his migraine surrounded his head, pounding against it. a blinding heat flashed behind minho's vision, and he felt like he was being burnt alive.

"...minho?" woojin's voice seeped through the receiver, but minho could barely hear him with all the commotion that took place inside his head. "minho, are you okay?"

minho sniffed, his eyes prickling with a new set of tears. those tears prevented him seeing properly, and no matter how much he wiped them off, they still didn't go away.

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