"Guys can you please turn the volume down a little bit? I got a call," said Jordan. Xiaojun turning down the music volume. Jordan pick up the phone call and say, "Hey, what's up?". It was her brother.
"Oh okay, i'll wait for you, bye!" said Jordan again to the phone and hang up the call. Xiaojun turn the music volume up again while Yangyang and Hendery dancing like crackheads. It's just another day after the dance class. There is no classes after their class so they all still in the studio. That's what they usually do, put some music on and do whatever they want.
"Ugh! I'm tired," said Hendery laying on the floor. Yangyang still freestyle dancing (like a crackhead).
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"Lame. I never tired," said Yangyang laughing. The others laugh too. "Ah, why Ten is absent today? He should be dancing with me right now," said Yangyang again and stop his moves laying on the floor.
"Ya'll i gotta go now, see you in two days!" Kun waving his hand and walk out from the studio.
"I'm so tired. I wanna go home but my brother still on his way here," said Jordan then drink her water.
"I'll wait here until your brother pick you up," Xiaojun replied.
"Me too, i'm not tired yet. Guess i'm gonna dance again now," Yangyang get up and start freestyle dancing again since the music is still going. This boy really has unlimited energy.
"Oh shit! I forgot that i had a math test tomorrow, i haven't study," Hendery panicked.
"Haha good luck with that," Jordan giggle.
"It's late already, i have to study," said Hendery putting his stuff to his bag.
"Have a good study, Hendery!" said Xiaojun with a little laugh.
"See ya'll on Friday! Bye!" Hendery get up.
"Bye!" Jordan, Xiaojun and Yangyang replied waving their hands. Then Hendery walk out from the studio.
After about 10 minutes, Jordan got a text from her brother said that he was arrived. Jordan, Xiaojun and Yangyang grab their bag and left the studio.
Jordan saw her brother's car in front of this dance school building. "Good bye, guys!" said Jordan.
"Bye!" said Xiaojun smiling.
"Good bye! Take care!" said Yangyang to Jordan. Before she leave she hugs Xiaojun and Yangyang. Compared to others, Jordan is closest to Xiaojun and Yangyang because they've been in this dance school since day 1.
Then Jordan walk and get in the car. "How's your practice?" asked Johnny.
"Just like usual," answered Jordan.
"So where'd you wanna eat?" asked Johnny start to driving.
"Oh, we don't eat dinner at home?" instead of answering, Jordan asked back.