I'm about to enter my room and, "Where have you been?" asked Johnny in front of his room which is next to my room.
"The mall, why?" i answered kinda confused.
"Why didn't you ask me first?" why he's being weird.
"Why would i ask you? I asked mom for permission," i answered.
"Aish, Jordy. Are you really met Jaehyun while you going on a date with Lucas?" hold up, what's up with him? Johnny making me more confuse.
"Jaehyun told you? Yeah we met. Why?"
"Ah, i forgot that i have to do my homework now," Johnny gone to his room. Ya! What is wrong with him? I thought he never do his homework at home!? I shook my head.
It's Sunday and i have to do my Biology project. Ugh i'm so lazy. I just wanna lay in bed all day.
I'm going to Renjun's since it's a group project. I'm also in one group with Jaemin and Jeno.
"Johnny," i called Johnny who's watching tv at the living room.
"Yes?" he looked at me.
"Can you drive me to Renjun's house?" i pleased.
"No, i'm too lazy," he answered. I pouted. "Okay, okay. Stop pouting, you're too cute," i smiled after he said that.
Johnny drived me to Renjun's house. I knocked the door. Mrs. Hwang is showed up then tell me that Jaemin and Jeno is there already and tell me that they're in Renjun's room. So i go to Renjun's room.
"Ya! Let's start working on this project!" i said after seeing them playing games on their phones. I bet they're playing a multiplayer game.
"5 minutes," replied Jaemin that still focus on his game. I sat next to Renjun to see what are they playing.
Guess i have to wait. Okay, i'm waiting.
"Ah Jaemin you stupid,"
"Oops, sorry,"
"Aahh i died,"
It sounds funny hearing them playing games.
"Okay let's start now. We're lost because of Jaemin," said Renjun putting his phone down.
"No, it's Jeno's," he denied.
"Why me?" asked Jeno.
"Aish! Let's start the project now," i'm trying to stop Jaemin and Jeno before they start fighting.
We started doing the biology project. We just have to write and draw on the cardboard, in the next biology class we have to present it.
Cause we all close friend, we talk and laugh more than do the project.
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Renjun, Jaemin and i are not usually hangout with Jeno outside. But when it comes to a group project, four of us really often been in the same group. We also in the same class with Jeno since freshman year, so this is our second year to be in the same class as him. And Jeno is my chairmate now, he's also my partner in chemistry class. Sometimes he annoy me on purpose cause he knew that i easily get annoyed by him. And yes, i'm annoyed. But i knew that he's actually a good person.
"Guys, it's 7 PM already and our project isn't finished yet," said Renjun showing the time in his phone.
"Are we really talked that long?" i asked. I didn't even look at my phone while we're talking, means i didn't see what time is it.
"Hahaha, i know right," Jeno laughed until i can't see his eyes.
"So, any of you hungry?" asked Renjun.
"I am! Let's order some food!" answered Jaemin. Renjun looking through his phone to order some food. Yes, we're going to order a delivery food.
We ordered some korean street food. While we're waiting for the food, we continue doing the project that almost finish. Not too long, our project is done and the food arrived. Then, we eat together.
It's wednesday already. And this History class is so boring. Jeno is sleeping next to me. I saw Jaemin sleeping too with his AirPods on. Renjun who's next to Jaemin is playing with his phone. I'm bored.
I opened my phone and i got notification that i got invited to a multichat. What's this about?
Group Chat Injunie, Jisung Pawrk, Lele (4)
Jisung Pawrk invited you, Injunie, Lele
Jisung Pawrk : me and chenle have an idea
Idea? What idea? By the way, yea that's what i rename them on my phone.
Oh, new notification!
Injunie : what about?
Renjun look at me. I shrugged my shoulders means i don't know what is it about.
Chenle replied.
Lele : can't you see that there is no jaemin in this multichat
Me : sooo?
Lele : aish Lele : you supposed to understand
Jisung Pawrk : ya'll remember that friday is jaemin's bday right? Jisung Pawrk : and we were thinking about a surprise party
Lele : injun Lele : nana is next to you right? Lele : be careful im afraid that he's gonna see ur phone
Injunie : don't worry he's sleeping rn this history class is so boring
Me : wait Me : why you both playing on your phone? i thought you guys are on math class?
Lele : yeah but we're on free time now
Jisung Pawrk : Mr. Dowoon has an important business
Lele : are you guys free after school?
Injunie : i am
Me : i am but i have a dance class at 6
Lele : let's discuss this after school Lele : at my house
Jisung Pawrk : we have to make sure that Jaemin didn't see us going to Chenle's