I just chillin in my bed playing Animal Crossing then suddenly someone opened the door of my room turns out it was Renjun, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung. "Jordy!"
Renjun and Jaemin jumped to my bed and buried me in the middle by cuddling me. They're so clingy. By the way, haven't get this in a long time cause i have a boyfriend.
"Guys i can't breath," i said push the a little.
"Nana won't let go," Jaemin closed his eyes.
"Me neither," Renjun's tiny body hugs me even tighter.
"Here, we bring you your favorite cookies," said Jisung.
"Aww, thank you," i replied.
"Are you feeling better now?" asked Chenle.
"So much better," i answered.
"So much better after Nana cuddles you," said Jaemin.
"No, it's actually after i cuddle you not Nana," replied Renjun.
"No, it's Nana,"
"It's Injun,"
"Stop arguing! All of you making me feel so much better," i said. All of them smiled.
"Aaaa i wanna give you a hug too," Chenle pouted.
"You cannot Chenle cause she only wanna get hug by me," replied Jaemin. I giggled.
"Argh! Ani!" scream Renjun. This both still arguing.
"Now let me go! I wanna hug Lele and Jisungie," i said trying to wake up and finally they let me go. So i get up from my bed then hug Chenle and Jisung at the same time. I always thankful to have them as my best friends.
Finally it's wednesday and i went back to school again even tho i got zero motivation. "Jordan-ya! Are you okay now? Johnny told me about it," Haechan gave me a little hug when i met him in the hallway.
"I'm okay now," i said as we walking to our class together.
"Um i actually wanna tell you something but i don't know if is it okay or not," he said making me curious.
"Just tell me,"
"Do you know Yeri?" asked Haechan. I nodded. "She's with Lucas now. She is that 'girl' that Winwin saw," continued Haechan. I shocked that i've actually have ever caught him cheating on me at the first place but he fucking told me that Yeri is his cousin. He's stupid, so do i.
"Yea, fuck that bitch," i said with no reaction.
"Actually Winwin and i haven't hang with Lucas this week. We both feel uncomfortable around him cause he's with Yeri," explained Haechan as we arrived at our classroom.
"Don't hangout with him, he's not a good person. You and Winwin are a good person, so just don't," i replied and Haechan nodded. Jaemin and Renjun are not here yet?
"Hi! Where have you been?" asked Jeno when i was about to sit next to him.
"I'm just sick," well, not really.
°author's point of view°
It's finally a break time. Renjun, Jaemin and Jordan go to the cafeteria and sat with Jisung and Chenle as usual. When Jordan about to eat, she saw Lucas with Yeri, suddenly she don't have a mood to eat anymore. "Guys, i'm gonna go back to the class," she said then left her friends that haven't say a word. They all looking at each other confused but Renjun knew what's going on cause he also saw Lucas and Yeri.
"I'll go get her," Renjun said and left his friends. Renjun go to the class bought Jordan a banana milk. He saw Jordan just playing with her phone in her seat. "Here's for you since you didn't eat," Renjun said handed her then banana milk and sit infront of her.
"Gomawo, Injun-ah," then she drink it.
"Jordan, you'll get over it. Just don't think about it too much," Renjun said and Jordan sadly nodded. Renjun really wanna see happy Jordan again even though this is only been 5 days after her break up. Renjun really wanna make Jordan get over Lucas as fast as he can by spending a lot of his time with Jordan. He also need Jaemin, Chenle, Jisung and Jeno.
"What if Jaemin and i go to your house after school?" Renjun asked. Yes, to spend time with Jordan.
"Sure. I'm not going to my dance class anyway, i still don't have that much energy," replied Jordan.
"Jordan, is it okay if i leave? It's not gonna be long, i swear," asked Johnny that have something to do outside.
"It's okay, i have Jaemin and Renjun anyway," replied Jordan so Johnny left the house. Jaemin and Renjun is on her house right now just to chill and play around.
"Jordy, are you hungry? You haven't eat today," said Jaemin.
"Umm... kinda,"
"I'll cook!" Jaemin said. So they went downstairs straight to the kitchen. "Let see what you have in the fridge," Jaemin opened the refrigerator. Jaemin found tteok so he just gonna cook tteokbokki as Jordan and Renjun agreed.
While Jaemin cooking, Jordan and Renjun just have a chat sitting in the dining table.
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"Wow, smells delicious!" Jordan said as Jaemin walking to the dining table with a plate of tteokbokki. Then they eat together.
"What should we do now?" asked Renjun when all of them done eating. Renjun and Jaemin still wanna spend their time with Jordan.
"Let's watch a movie!" suggested Jaemin. So they went to the living room and straight to the couch. They're watching Spider-Man : Into The Spider-Verse now as all of them loves animated movies. While watching Jaemin being so clingy to Jordan. Renjun who seeing that is getting jealous and clinging to Jordan too. Jordan thinks that her best friends are so cute.