Chapter 1

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Okay in this story the curse did happen but Emma never met Neal and never had Henry, when she broke the curse, they all got sent back to the enchanted forest, so Emma is still the same age as her parents and my story starts from when they get back to the enchanted forest exactly in the place they were when the curse hit.....


I open my eyes in a circular room with Regina, Mary Margaret and David all dressed like they were in my childhood storybook.

"We're back?" Regina asks

"Yeah" Mary Margaret says and walks over to a window "right where we left off" she says

"So this is they enchanted forest?" I ask still in shock of all this being real

"Yes" David says

What the hell, I'm not meant to be here, this is all insane I'm not from here, I belong where there is electricity and wifi and coffee and where my gun is useful!

Regina waves her hand a ball of fire appears in it and David pulls out his sword and stand in front of me and my mother (still trying to process that one too)

"Just making sure I still had it" she says and David lowers his sword and I relax again.

"Regina can we have a minute?" David asks and Regina waves her hand and she's gone.

"That's going to take some getting used to" I say trying to break the ice with my parents

"Look I know your uncomfortable right now but you will get used to it, and once we can call a gathering of the kingdom to present there new princess it will start to become second nature"

"Woah gathering?" I say

"Of course! We would throw a ball, for the return of you to our family and for the return of us to our homes"

"I can't go to a ball I don't have a dress or know how to dance" I start rambling but my dad cuts me off

"We will take care of that, I'll send out messages right away to alert the kingdom for a ball this Friday night"

"That's in 3 days" I say

"That's just enough time to prepare" Mary Margaret says and David gives her a kiss and goes to alert the kingdom.

"How you doing with all this?" She asks taking my hand In hers

"It's a lot, but I'll have you and David to help me and I think the ball a good idea, I'm most likely going to mess up there though"

"I think your going to be fine" she says "I'll see you later, why don't you go explore a little bit and we can meet up for dinner?"

"Sounds great" I say and she walks out of the room. I finally take a closer look at the room we are standing in, a crib in the center and toys and books along the walls tell me that it was a nursery, for me. All this time and effort my parents spent and they never got to use it. I look around my room a little bit more before I go into the hallway and walk into the bedroom next to my nursery.

***4 hours later***

I'm running down the stairs trying not to be late for my first royal dinner, luckily it's only m parents and I eating at a small table with some sort of leg and meat on it with vegetables and mashed potatoes

"What is that?" I ask sitting down

"Cimarea" David says "1 part lion 1 part goat, 1 part serpant"

"Like turducken?" I ask and he just laughs at me and then digs into the food on his plate and I follow his example.

"You know you really should be wearing something more formal" snow says "you look like you just went riding"

"I've never been riding before" I say "always wanted to but I was scared of the horses"

"It's easy" David says "I'll teach you"

"Okay, but after the ball so I don't have bruises from falling off" I say and David laughs again. We finish the rest of our dinner in silence when some people come to take our plates away and my mom leads me back upstairs to her closest.

"Woah" I say looking at all the dresses and outfits

"We need to find you something" she says pulling out a brown corset a purple skirt and a brown cloak and hand them to me (Emma's 3x21/22 peasant dress)

"Um okay" I say and I take my jacket off and Mary Margaret leaves so I can change. I put on the skirt easily and the corset slips over my head and I pull the string a little and I tie it and I walk out to show my mom

"Oh my god that not how you wear a corset she says and unties it and pulls on the string, sucking all the air out of my lungs.

"Much better" she says

"Thanks" I say

"Wear that tomorrow, right now put this on, she says and hands me a white silk nightgown, your rooms three doors down" she says and I walk out of her closet and count the doors until my hand is resting on the doorknob of my room. I twist it open to reveal a king sized light blue bed with a blue canopy and a balcony that over looks the water, and the ports below, the sun is done setting on the horizon and it looks beautiful. I close the door behind me and I change into the soft nightgown, I climb into my bed and I slowly fall asleep.

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