Chapter 2

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I wake up with the sun leaking in from my balcony and the noise from the market place and the large village about half a mile away, I'm planning on getting out of the castle today and hopefully get to explore a little bit. I happily put on my jeans that I know my mother will make me change but I do it anyway, and then I put on a simple gray tank top and lace up riding boots, I find my way to the kitchen to see my mom making pancakes.
"Hey" I say and she turns around and gives me a disapproving look "your so out of place" she says
"But the dresses are so uncomfortable" I say
"Well I tried" she says "I'll find you something after breakfast" she says "go get your father" she says and I walk outside to the stables where David is standing brushing his horse.
"What's his name?" I ask him and he turns around and I walk over to the horse.
"Up to you, this ones yours" he says
"I get my own horse, I don't know how to ride"
"I'm going to teach you after we eat" he says and leads the horse back into the stable, and we walk out of the barn.
"Thanks, dav- dad" I say and he smiles at me and we go into the kitchen and Mary Margaret sits down and we all dig into the food.
I wipe the corners of my mouth and my mom stands up and I bring my plate to a lady who is doing our dishes.
"I'll take that" she says
"That's okay I can do it" I say and she walks back into the room.
"Where is the dishwasher?" I ask
"There is no such thing here, I'll just ask Jane to do it" Mary Margaret says and calls the woman back inside and she takes our dishes into the next room.
"Come on I'll give you some riding clothes" Mary Margaret says and we walk upstairs back to her huge closet and she tosses me some leather pants and a corset shirt thing and a I still wear my cloak. I change quickly into the tight leather pants and I look into the mirror and look at my body in the tight clothes. They weren't that bad...
"You know how to ride right?" I ask my mom
"Of course"
"Is it hard?" I ask
"You have it in your blood, your going to do fine" she says
"Okay, I'll see you later" I say and run down the stairs and out to the stable where my dad is leading out my brown horse and his black one
"How do I get on?" I ask,
"I'll help you" he says and leans on one knee and I stand on it and flip my leg around the horse.
"Not so bad right?" He asks and I nod, but truly I was terrified of this horse because it can go out of control at any minute. David saddles his and then he gives me basic instructions. Clicks his tongue and my horse starts moving slowly and I grip the saddle so tightly my fingers turn white. David go to a small trail and I lead my horse behind his. David slowly speeds up and I give my horse a little kick so he starts galloping. The wind is whipping my hair back and I lean into my horse and she speeds up a little more and David and I are speeding down this straightway in the trail. David slows his horse down once we get close to a town and the tired horses are walking in and people recognize the king and his daughter riding into there small town and they move out of the road so we can pass. David swings his legs off his horse and then helps me get down and he goes into a tavern to get some water and I follow him. The tavern is loud and crowed for it being lunchtime but it seems to be the main place to be in this town. We sit down in the courner of the bar and a waitress come up to us
"Just two waters" David says and she nods and goes to get our drinks "how was riding?" He asks
"It was a lot of fun" I admit
"I knew you would like it" he says and takes out two coins and hands them to the waitress in exchange for our drinks.
"So this ball thing..." I start and my dad picks his head up "do I have to go?" I ask
"Yes, I think your mother wants you go to the ball we are throwing in your honor"
"I know, I'm going to be so out of place, and I've never worn a dress like that, or danced and I'm just really nervous"
"Your going to be fine, these things always go great, and who knows maybe you might like it... or like somebody"
I almost spit out my drink at my dads words
"I'm sorry what?"
"You don't think it's a possibility that you could find a guy?"
"I- uh I don't know, there's always a chance, do we have to talk about this?" I ask and he gets the hint I'm not interested in talking about my love life with my dad.
"Come on we've got to get back, you hang out here and I'll go get the horses" he says and walks out the front door. It barely closes behind him when a group of poorly dressed badly groomed men come into the tavern joking and laughing, all of them but a man with black hair and beautiful blue eyes that I'm never going to forget. The thing that sets this man apart from the others is that he's missing one hand, and it's replaced with a hook. He walks to the table next to mine and sits down and orders some rum for him and his friends. I pretend I don't about there conversation but in reality I was listening to there every word.
"Alright men we are here for 1 reason only, the ball tomorrow!" He says and the others cheer "now let's have some fun tonight!" He toasts and somebody yells "TO CAPTAIN HOOK!" And his crew cheers
Captain Hook... From Peter Pan is drinking at the table next to mine...
His crew spreads out around the bar and he stands up from his table and I lower my head inspecting the carvings below my fingers
"And who might you be?" He asks and sits down
"Somebody who was just about to leave" I say and stand up about to find my father, when a cold piece of metal wraps around my wrist.
"Leaving so soon? I didn't even get your name?"
"I wasn't giving it out, and I have to go find a dress for tomorrow" I say and shake off his hook
"So I'll see you at the ball?" He says
"We will see about that" I say and turn away from him and walk away, feeling his eyes follow my hips.

*later that day*

"Mom this is like the fifteenth dress I've tried on, can I just wear the pink one?" I beg as she pulls out a red dress for me to wear.
"Try this one!" She says and hands me the two part dress, corset and skirt
"Last one!" I say and close the door to change I slip the corset on and tighten it and then I step into the massive amount of fabric they consider a skirt and I step out to show my mom and her hands go up to cover her mouth and she gets teared up.
"Emma you look beautiful" she says and I go over to the mirror and I look amazing, the dress shows off everything I like about my body and more.
"I love it" I say "I'm going to wear this one" I untie the corset and unzip the skirt and change back into the clothes I went riding in.
"When does the ball start tomorrow?" I ask
"Well most people will show up at like 3ish but we will go downstairs at like 4." She informs me
"So I've got time to get ready?"
"Of course" she says "it's late and we've got a big day tomorrow, I'm going to get some sleep" she says and turns to walk out of the room
"Night" I call after her. Once she's gone I put on a nightgown and crawl into my bed and slowly fall asleep.

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