Chapter 7

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"Uhh captain?"
"What is it smee?"
"We kinda need you to steer the boat" he says and then scruffily runs up onto the deck. Killian grabs my hand and leads me upstairs. My eyes need to adjust to the bright light and I blink a few times.
"Come on love I'll let you steer" he says and we climb up a few stairs to look out over the endless blue ocean.
"Where's the land?" I ask him and he spins the wheel around and I feel the ship tilt and then slowly start to spin.
"That way love" he says and I see the small green hills just coming over the horizon.
"Oh" I say and he laughs at me
"We should be back a little earlier than I planned, maybe only tonight and half of tomorrow"
"Really?" I say getting excited to see my parents again
"Do you miss them?" He says reading my expressions
"More than I thought I would" I say and rest my head on his shoulder and his arm wraps around me.
"You will see them soon"
"I know" I say and he kisses my forehead. "Wanna steer?" He asks and I nod and and he shows me the basics.

We sail for a while until the crew starts getting hungry.
"Wanna help with dinner or help lower anchor?" He asks and since I'm a horrible cook I decide to help lower the anchor. It was really easy just untying and re-tying some ropes and the ship was settled in for the night. The sun started going down and the crew went downstairs to get some food. It was a soup with vegetables and some beef. Killian and I took it above deck to watch the sunset and he wraps a blanket around me and kisses my cheek.
"So how do you like the jolly rodger?" He asks showing huge pride in his ship.
"It's amazing" I say and his eyes light up.
"Thank you swan" he says we eat the rest of the warm soup in silence.
Once the sun sets the crew quickly goes to sleep.
"Killian where am I sleeping?" I ask
"You can have my bed, only the best for a princess" he says and I smile
"What about you?"
"I'll sleep on the floor" he says pulls some blankets out for me and his makeshift bed.
"I also don't have a shirt for you to sleep in, only some pants" he says and hands them to me
"I'll wear this shirt" I say and take the pants and quickly change and then ignore the glances from Killian. I climb into bed and Killian comes over to me.
"No goodnight kiss?" He says and leans over me. I pull his head down to me and his warm lips connect with mine. A small fire burns in my stomach and he pulls away lightly.
"Good night swan" he whispers in my ear and disappears to the floor. I feel my eyes close and soon I'm asleep.
"EMMA WAKE UP!" I hear somebody screaming in my ear and my eyes shoot open and I'm covered in sweat and I can't seem to get enough oxygen.
"What's wrong?" I ask Killian
"You were screaming and thrashing around I thought you were in the middle of a nightmare" he says and my dream comes back to me
"I'm sorry for waking you up" I say and sit up
"No im just happy your okay" he says and goes back to the floor.
"Killian can you stay up here with me tonight?" I ask
"Of course" he says and crawls behind me and wraps his arm and hook around me and the hook metal sends chills up my body and I soon fall back asleep.

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