~ I'm sorry

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It was killing me. I need to tell Justin the truth I can't keep lying to everyone and specially myself.

My mum was right, this wasn't a good idea at all. But sometimes you need to chase your dreams no matter what the cost is.

Justin and Selena has been hanging out a lot and the thing is.. Selena has been texting me and I can't barely look at Justin. The last thing she said was 'I want you baby, please be mine'.

Doesn't she realize that she is the luckiest person on earth. I mean, I wish I was the one kissing him, touching him, hanging out with him and doing those cute things that couples do.

Right now I'm in my room getting ready to go out. I'm not dressed as a guy. No one is in the tour bus, they are all out so I decided to go out too.

I applied one more layer of mascara and I was done. I got my snapback because I had some boys clothes in there and make up remover. I can't show up back in the tour bus dressed as a girl.


'Justin P.O.V'

I was walking down the road while texting Selena when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry", A girl spoke.

"No, I was too distracted. So, I'm the one who needs to apologize", I replied looking up.

Did I die? Because if I did I'm looking at an angel right now. She is so beautiful. Her eyes has a beautiful sparkle and her voice is so angelical. This girl is so perfect.

"My name Justin... Bieber", I said sticking my hand out.

"Hi Justin, nice to meet you. I'm "YN", She blushed.

Wait? She didn't freak out? She acts normal around me? This girl is a keeper. Justin what are you talking about? You have Selena.

"Are you ok?", She nodded.

"I need to go", She said quickly.

She was about to leave.

"Hold on, am I gonna see you again?"

'YN P.O.V'

"Hold on, am I gonna see you again?", He asked.

If only he knew that he already met me. If only he knew the truth about me. I don't want to hurt him but I also don't want him with anyone else. I just wish everything was easier.

"Yes!" I said walking away.


Hello my angels, how are you? Did you enjoy it? I hope you did ♡

I will be updating a chapter everyday.


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