~ Plan

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"And why are you telling me this?", I asked him.

"I know that it was stupid.. but one mistake and it came down to this. I didn't believe her at first YN, so I asked her to do the exam and to prove to me if it was true and it came out positive", He said handing me a envelop.

I opened and I couldn't resist. I broke down in tears. So it was true, she was pregnant. This is the end of us. No more Justin and YN. I'm so done with this.

"Congratulations", I said smiling weakly.

"YN, please we can..", I interrupted him.

"Justin, no. I'm happy without you and I want to keep it that way. Please, forget about me and everything we had together", I said opening the door and walking away.

"I LOVE YOU", Justin yelled.

I froze. Did he just say that he loves me? He is just saying that. He doesn't love me because if he did he wouldn't lie to me and kept everything as a secret. And if he loved me he I wouldn't have seen him sticking his tongue down her throat. If he truly loved me they wouldn't be together anymore. I know it will sound harsh but you can still raise a baby without being together. Justin wants to be with her.

"It's too late now", I replied not even looking back. That was it. No more. Moving on from now on.


'Selena's P.O.V'

It worked. My plan worked, I finally got Justin back. He won't ever leave me ever again and if he does I'll do something else to get him. Justin belongs to me only.

My plan? I'm not pregnant at all, if I was I would actually be celebrating. This is how I planned. I wanted to get him back but he didn't notice me so I had this brilliant idea.

I asked my friend back home to pee on those pregnancy test and she did it. Of course it came out positive because she was pregnant and I also paid the doctor to make an fake exam and also to keep his mouth shut.


'YN P.O.V'

I was walking to Starbucks because I couldn't be bother going home and also I didn't want to be all alone at home.

I was too busy looking down my phone that I accidentally bumped into someone and I could feel something cold on my shoulder.

"Sorry'", Someone said.

"It's alright", I smiled.

"No, I spilled my whole Ice Chocolate on you"

"It happens, nothing major", I looked up.

He was tall and tanned. He had a gorgeous smile and seemed sweet.

"How rude of my not to introduce mysel", He laughed. "My name is Cameron.. Cameron Dallas", He said sticking his hand out. "And you are?"

"Oh.. my name is YN", I took his hand to shake it.


Who knows Cameron Dallas? Isn't he a cutie *-*
Haha, short but like I said I've been busy lately but I promise they'll get bigger.

No hate please ♡
Enjoy my lovers x

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