Gabby Gabby Meets A Curious Friend

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If you watched Toy Story 4, you know that towards the end of the movie, Gabby Gabby found a new - and better - kid who loved her. The poor doll was poor no more. She had a new home. A new family.

A new friend.

Can you picture yourself being Woody or Bo Peep and watching Gabby Gabby resting her wooden head on her new owner's shoulder? I bet that you could. Such a touching moment.

Well, I am sorry to say that speciality in the movie did not last long

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Well, I am sorry to say that speciality in the movie did not last long. Only I, the narrator, knows exactly what went on. Something that the movie covered up.

The girl who had found Gabby Gabby intended to keep her, however, when she was showing her off to her parents, the mom and dad noticed the price tag that was hidden throughout the movie. Gabby Gabby herself forgot that it was there!

I will not reveal the price of the doll, however, I will tell you that it was a lot of money. Think of how much money you would need if you were looking to buy three airplanes.

Yup. That is how much she costs.

Freaked out about the outrageous price, as parents do, the mom and dad refused to get it for their daughter and returned it to the antique store. The young girl was incredibly disappointed. She really liked Gabby Gabby, but she had to respect her parents' wishes. In the end, her parents encouraged her to play a specific game at the carnival, and she won a yellow duck and blue bunny.

What a happy ending for the little girl.

But not for Gabby Gabby.

It was nighttime. No one, not even the children, were visiting the antique shop, for the old lady who owned it had close it up for the day. As you can imagine, Gabby was upset.

"I cannot believe it!" she shouted. "I helped that girl out. I comforted her, and this is how her mother and father repay me? By not having the money and the hearts to buy me?!" She held the tag that was on the back of her yellow dress. "Benson, could you cut this off?"

Benson staggered over with a pair of huge scissors and cut both the tag and the string that had connected that tag to the dress.

"Thank you, Benson." She clenched her wooden fists. "Where was I? Oh, yes. How could they do this to me?!"

"You can always go back to the girl," one of Benson's lookalikes suggested. "You are free from that stupid tag."

"I could, but her parents would recognize me and bring me back here again." She fell to the floor and hugged herself. "What is a poor doll to do?"

"How about you call your cousin?" Benson said.

She looked at him with sad eyes. "Slappy? Oh, no. He would not want to hear from me, and I definitely do not want to hear from him."

"Okay. How about a stroll? You know. In your stroller?"

"I do not feel like it right now, Benson..."

That was when they heard the most strangest thing.


Gabby glanced at each of her dummy friends. She sniffed and rubbed her nose. "Who...who said that?"

"It sounded like...a baby," another one of Benson's lookalikes guessed.

And his guess was right, for when Benson had pulled up Gabby Gabby's stroller, the sounds got louder and more distinctive.

"Sounds like...gibberish," Gabby Gabby said.

Benson peered over the stroller and was shocked at what he discovered. "Uh, guys? You need to see this."

Gabby and the other dummies scrambled to the stroller and could not believe it.

In Gabby Gabby's stroller was a baby. A baby girl.

Little did the doll know that this baby would give her an owner.

Little did the doll know that this baby would give her an owner

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The Grateful Girl - A Goosebumps/Toy Story 4/Forlot FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now