Living With Tanner

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Tristan's POV
I think that moving in was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love just being myself with the guys. Today we are filming a video for Tanner's channel, who ever leaves the pool last wins $10,000 and I'm excited because I used to be a champion swimmer in college.
Tanner's POV
"Alright guys, and girl"
"Thank you" Tristan said.
"Today we are going to be doing last to leave the pool challenge. Whoever leaves the pool last wins $10,000!"
"Yeah!!!" Everyone yelled.
"So lets get started!"
After we all change into our swimsuits we get in the pool.
"Tanner I'm bored!" Tristan said.
"Same..." Responded the whole house.
"Ok, lets see who can hold their breath longest."
"Ok, but be prepared to lose!" Tristan exclaimed excitedly. So we had Xander time everyone and, like predicted, Tristan won.
"I told you!" Tristan said trying to annoy me.
3 hrs later...
"So a little update, Xander got out because it is starting to get a little cold. Tristan how do you feel?"
"Honestly, I feel great!"
(Idk any other roommate so imma make one up.)
"Alex, are you cold yet?"
"A little" he said shivering.
"Dude, why does she get a floatie?" Simon asked.
"Cuz I grabbed it." Tristan yelled back.
"Ok, so it looks like Simon and Alex are about to get out, which means it is just me and Tristan."
"Be prepared to lose babe." Tristan said taunting me.
2 hrs later...
"So, it has been two hours and Tanner feel asleep right on the side of the pool. I think we should scare him... sorry babe." Tristan goes under water and grabs Tanner's ankles and pulls him under water.
"What the-" Tanner says as he is pulled under.
"Haha!" Tristan laughs as she popped up.
"What was that for?!"
"You were sleeping, do I woke you up."
"Whatever." I say as I'm walking twords the steps to get out.
"Tristan wins! Now lets go warm up."
*Yes, I am freezing."
"So who won?" Alex asked.
"Me!" Tristan says.
"Of course you did." Simon said sarcastically.
"I'm going to bed." Tristan said with a tired look on her face.
"Same." I say and head to bed.

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