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Between our wonderful baseball boys, which one(s) would you most like the story to follow? Also, I'm so sorry this update took so long. I've been really uneasy about this one, and this book is kinda my baby right now, and I put in a tiny bit more effort into it. (Don't tell my One Piece fans)


You sigh, sipping a mug of (Tea/Coffee) in a cafe, away from Seido. You feel bad for suddenly leaving, realising you should've told Coach about your absence instead of taking off after school without a word. But you knew it'd be taken care of. You're just glad you don't have to be in your dorm or at school. It's not that everyone hates you or bullies you, most people really don't. They just don't care enough to stick their neck out for you, and you understand that. But they say the bystander can be just as guilty as the bully, some say.

It takes a little too much effort to not just let your head fall onto the table and sob right then and there. You let your gaze wander through the window. It's not raining or anything, it's sunny and a perfectly beautiful day. Some part of you wishes it were raining. Then you wouldn't be the only gloomy thing in sight, at least. You felt like you were bringing everyone down with you, even if no one really noticed.

You sigh for the umpteenth time in the past five minutes, and you almost sigh for how much you've sighed.

"Is it alright if I sit here?" a voice asks. It takes you a moment to realise he's talking to you.

You look up at the boy who's around your age and nod slightly.


His dark brown hair is slicked back, and his skin is an out-of-place brown, as well. You peel your eyes away from the boy before looking back out the window, watching people pass and guessing their life.

"So you're from Seido?"

You blink and return your attention to him.

"I recognise the uniform," he adds.

You nod again before taking a sip of your drink. You take out your phone, figuring conversation may do you good. 'I am. What school are you from?'

"Inashiro." You notice his backpack on the floor, figuring he must've come from his school, but he wasn't wearing a uniform, just a green hoodie and pants. "Why are you typing? Sore throat? Sick?"

You shake your head awkwardly as you type. 'No, I'm mute, sorry.'

He shrugs. "No need to be, just wondering."

You swallow before typing in another message. 'So, you're from Inashiro. Do you happen to know of their baseball team?'

A smirk finds its way on his face. "I do, I'm particularly close with the team."

An excited smile forms on your lips. 'Really? I love baseball, you've gotta score me a ticket sometime so I can go watch!' After realising what you typed, you can feel your face grow hot. 'I mean, sorry. We're strangers and all, I know, I just got excited, haha.'

He shoots a charming smile. "No problem at all. My name's Carlos." He extends his arm over the table.

You type in a small message before shaking his hand. 'Nice to meet you, Carlos. My name's (Y/N).'

"See, now we're not strangers. So what's got ya down? You looked sad."

You rubbed your neck nervously before deciding on an answer. 'It's just life, I guess. Stuff happens, you know?'

He hums before nodding. "I get it. Sometimes it helps to—" he pauses— "discuss with someone you don't know all that well," he points out, taking a sip of his drink.

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