Chapter 5

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Soon, the four of us met at thestables and collected our horses. I was a bit disappointed that I hadto leave Chaser behind, but the young mare I'd gotten was not halfbad to bond with. Her name was Stardust and her gait was smooth andsure. As we started out, Daeron said, "It feels good to be back onthe road."

"It should be under bettercircumstances," Beri said bitterly.

"Is my father's plightputting you out?" Stephanie snapped, scratching at her thighsheath.

Beri answered with a glare and Isaid, "Stephanie, I will send you straight home if you cannot workwithus."

"May I make a suggestion?"Daeron asked. "I think if Steph is going to travel with us, sheshould pose as your sister, Ana. Some people wouldn't understand."

I nodded my agreement. "Can youhandle that?" I looked to my daughter.

She mirrored my nod. "Yes,Ana," she said awkwardly.

After Stephanie learned where shestood in the chain of command, she got much better at avoidingpissing Beri off, though they still had their spats. "She is toomuch her father's daughter," Beri snarled after one such.

I managed a smile. "Not tomention she has quite a bit of me in her, too," I stated, makingBeri step back and her challenging air disappear.

Before she could apologize, hertemper retook her. "She is insufferable!"

"Only if you let her get toyou. After spending so much time with Anders, you should be used toit by now." I was still smiling and it was growing wider.

Daeron stepped in, seeing as hewas finished with his tent. "Pitching tents is one chore I missyour husband for, Ana," He joked, slinging an arm over Beri'sshoulders.

She rolled her eyes and steppedaway, pushing his arm away. "I'm going to get us food."

As Beri disappeared with her bow,Daeron quashed his smile and gave me a serious look. I held up a handbefore he could ask. "The faster we reach Dravin, the better I'llfeel."

"You look tired. Are yousleeping?" he asked.

"Not well," I confessed."It's difficult to sleep alone when you're so used to anotherbody next to you."

"I can imagine," he said."I'd be lost without Wen." He tossed his head toward Steph."She misses her father and I think she needs her mother to talk toher."

I glanced at my daughter and sawher sitting on a log by the fire. She was staring blankly into theflames, her cheeks leaning on her fists. She looked lost. I sighed,unsure if I would be any help. I felt as lost as she looked. "Thanks,Daeron," I said starting toward Steph. I settled myself on a rockacross from her and pulled my legs up underneath me. She glanced atme, but slowly returned her gaze to the fire. "Did you want to talkabout something?" I asked, trying to be discreet. She shook herhead, still gazing into the fire. I gave her a moment then said, "Imiss your father, too."

"Mama," she protested,rolling her eyes.

I held up a hand to stop her."Your father is one of the slipperiest people I've ever met. Ifhe is in trouble, I know I can count on him to get out of it. Did heever tell you what he did before I found him on the road?" Ismiled.

She shook her head, genuineinterest in the eyes that she now had glued to me. "No."

"He was a charlatan, swindler,whatever you wish to call it. He broke out of prison more times thanI've cheated death." I was making myself feel better while Icomforted Steph.

She gaped. "Da was a thief?!"I nodded. "Myfather?! No, it couldn't be him."

"Believe it or not Stephee, itstrue. I've seen his skill, first hand," I smirked. "If you wishto travel with the adults, you must be willing to accept certaintruths."

She smiled. "... Da..." Shesnorted. "I can't wait to rub thatin his face."

"You're very much like him,"I said. "That's why Beri is so frustrated. Anders teased her somuch when we traveled." I started to chuckle.

"Reif says I remind him ofyou," she said wistfully.

"Reif sees a lot that most ofus don't," I agreed

She nodded, but said nothingmore. Feeling a touch better, I stood to walk away from her and shesaid, "Mama," I turned to look at her. "Da willbe okay, right?"

I smiled. "He better be, orI'll be forced to take revenge on him for getting himselfkidnapped."

She giggled. "Thank you, Ana,"she said pointedly. "I feel much better."

"Good. When Beri returns, Iwant you to apologize for whatever you did to get her in such astate," I ordered.

We made it to Banaila in recordtime and Val asked us to stay in the castle. "Brian and Priscillaare away on business. I'm sure Keifer won't mind."

Brian, Val's brother, now king,had once offered me marriage. When my answer had been a hearty no,coupled with me letting him know the score, he had settled formarrying the Earl of Dravin's daughter, Priscilla. "How is theking?" I asked dutifully.

"Bitter, as usual," Vallaughed. She looked much better than she had at Anders' party. Herpregnancy was starting to show and would soon be the talk of thecountry. "So, why are you traveling? Are you visiting Reif? If so,why areyou armed to your teeth?"

I balked. "This is no socialvisit," I confessed. "It's Anders. He's gone missing."

"Missing?!" She smoothed herdress, an old nervous habit. "Oh, my..."

"I haveto find him, Val. You've not had any word of such things?" Iasked hopefully.

"I'm sorry, no," shesighed. Then she perked up and glanced around at our audience. It wasjust her, myself, Steph and one of her maids. She leanedconspiratorially toward the young elf and whispered, "Addylyn,fetch me Weston."

The girl scurried off. "Whatare you up to?" I asked her as Steph stepped forward.

"You need all of the help youcan get and Weston is the best tracker in my guard. He can help youfind Anders," she said smiling, one palm resting on her belly.

"How is his arm?" Stephasked, sparking a feeling of deep pride. I'd taught my girl well.

"He ranked first in our tourneylast season. That's why Keifer wanted him for my personal guard."Val defended her lover enthusiastically.

Steph glanced at me and nodded asif her permission was needed. I smiled and returned her nod. "Thankyou, Val. Your contribution is much appreciated."

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