Chapter 8

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Now that that was settled, mymind reverted to the other, more pressing issue of Anders' plight.It was getting so close to the day we were to meet Lúthiel and Vardon the battlefield that I couldn't stop shaking. Stardust becameagitated beneath me as we rode through the day, starting at everysound and foreign object we encountered. At night, Reif practicallyhad to hold me down as I tossed and turned in my sleep. I wasexhausted and at my wits end. I stood up one night from around thefire, abandoning my food and walked off into the woods. I blockedReif's calls to my mind, needing to be alone.

I stopped next to a tree with along vine hanging nearly to the ground from a low branch. In a fit ofanger and frustration, I pulled my sword and made short work of theoffending vine. "Tame your rage, killer!"

I spun around, startled andnearly knocked heads with... "Stefan?!" I gasped.

"The very same," heconfirmed.

"You're back," I stated,with my brain only working at half its capacity.

"You needed me," he said."Can I ask what's wrong? You have thrown distress signals so hardwe felt them through the veil."

I wanted to fall into his armsand cry, but I remembered he was not a solid being. "Sorry tosignal," I said.

"It must be bad. You lookterrible," he said jovially.

I let out a hysterical HA!"Thanks," I blurted.

"So I'm here because?" heasked.

I sheathed my sword. "Anderswas kidnapped by, get this, your innocent little Lúthiel," Iexplained.

"So, what's the problem?Certainly you can take on Lúthiel," Stefan smirked.

"She's like me," I sighed."A Blood Ward. YourBlood Ward, until youdied. Now she's found a new playmate."

"We were bonded?" he asked,the hurt in his face clear.

"Apparently," I said,crossing my arms. "You were just too obsessed to see it. Now shehas my husband."

"Husband? How long have I beengone?" he asked warily.

"Stefan, it's been 17 years,"I said.

His jaw dropped. "But you stilllook so young." He almost reached out to touch my face.

"It's the bond," I said.

"17 years," he mused. "Forme, it was like an instant."

"Was it... good where youwere?" I asked.

He avoided my question. "So whyreach out to me? Why isn't Reif comforting you?"

"I'd rather he keep Stepheein good spirits than worry about me," I confessed.

"Stephee?" He smirked.

"My daughter," I said,smiling. "Stephanie."

"I'm honored," he said. "Imeant that much to you?"

"Always will," I agreed.

"Tell me about her," herequested.

"Stick around and you can spyall you want," I said. "Just don't follow her and Reif whenthey go off alone." It was advice I had heeded myself.

His eyebrow rose. "They'reinvolved?" he asked.

"Reif says is shouldn't betoo hard to see why. She's so much like me, but I think she'smore Anders," I shrugged.

"I think that if at age 17 shehas already weaseled her way into a dangerous quest, she mustdefinitely be her mother's daughter," Stefan remarked.

"Why don't you draw your ownconclusions?" I said.

"Maybe I will. I think I mightstick around for a bit." He smiled.

"Stefan..." I began.

"Yes, my lady?"

"I'm glad you're here," Isaid gratefully.

He bowed and faded, though Icould still feel him around me. He settled like a second skin aroundme, lending me strength. I breathed out a sigh and smiled, settlinginto his presence. "Stasia?" I heard Reif approaching. He stoppedin front of me and I beamed up at him. He smiled back and put hishands on my shoulders, lovingly. The smile faded to concern. "Youare not alone, my SalonulSange."

I nodded. "It's Stefan. He'sback."

"You're smiling," heobserved cautiously.

"I guess Stefan was just what Ineeded right now," I sighed.

He hugged me. "Then I thank himfor doing what I could not."

"We have less than a week," Isaid.

"Anders will be back with ussoon enough. We are stronger than them. They have been bonded but ayear. We've shared 18 years," he assured me.

"I can't help worrying. Youdidn't see him, Reif. They'd tortured him. He doesn't have hismagic." My hands were shaking again.

He took me in his arms, pressingmy cheek to his chest. "Shh, Stasia, all will work out," hewhispered.

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