Chapter 10

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Everyone else seemed to rememberhim too and turned to look at the battlefield. Sure enough, Stefanwas sitting on his knees, staring in awe at his hands as he turnedthem over and over. He seemed oblivious to us. "No way," Anderswhispered as I slowly pulled away from him and stood.

I walked quietly toward Stefanand approached cautiously, one hand on the knife at my spine."Stefan?" I asked guardedly.

He started and stared at me."Ana? Am I really here?" He reached out to touch me and I steppedback as the others approached.

"I'm sorry." I apologizedfor my caution. "This is just... very strange."

"Strange?" Beri scoffed."It's impossible." She tried to hide the hope in her voice.

"He is human," Reif observedoffhandedly, reserving his judgment.

Anders whistled. "That is sometrick. It could come in handy some day."

"It's no trick," Westonproclaimed. "I'm lookin' at 'im with me own two eyes."

"We all are," Daeron agreed."But how?"

As everyone else discussed thepossibilities behind Stefan's return, I stared at him intently,unable to pull my hand away from the blade. "Ana?" he asked,meeting my gaze and everyone stopped.

We shared a few minutes of eyecontact as everyone else watched. Finally, I looked away and said,"We should leave."

"What do we do with them?"Stephanie asked, glancing nervously at the three bodies lying around.

"Anders..." I saidsuggestively.

"On it," he replied, crackinghis knuckles dramatically and wiggling his fingers. With a wave ofhis hand at each of them, the bodies burst into flames. "Blimey, itfeels good to be able to do that."

I smiled and picked up my swordand dagger. Wiping them on a patch of grass, I sheathed them thenreached for the knife that had rolled free of Lúthiel's grasp whenshe'd died. I hesitated, a feeling of dread passing over me. Iglanced up, seeing Stefan, now on his feet, watching me closely. Iglared at him and angrily snatched up the knife and shoved it,without wiping it, into its place. "Let's go."

"What about him?" Stephaniecocked her head toward Stefan with a scowl.

"He goes with us," Beri saidforcefully.

I shrugged. "He's yourresponsibility."

"As you wish," she said.

We made it slowly back to campwith Daeron's energy sapped and Stefan trying to make it on legs hestill didn't have the hang of yet. It was almost comical watchingBeri trying to figure out which of them to help. Anders clung tightlyto my hand, barely letting go so I could scratch my nose. "Mygoodness, woman," West finally said, taking Daeron's arm over hisshoulders. "Help the wobbly one."

I snickered as Beri glared athim, but eased closer to Stefan to balance him every time hestumbled. Once we all got back, everyone started discussing sleepingarrangements. West offered to share with Stefan if Beri and Daeronshared, but Beri insisted if Stefan was to be her charge, they wouldshare. "Just drop me anywhere," Daeron shrugged tiredly.

While everyone was distracted, Islipped into my tent, pulling Anders with me. "I can't listen tothat anymore," I stated, falling into the hug he offered.

"It's like a circus," heagreed.

We stood in silence, hugginguntil my tears wouldn't stay back any longer. "This has been themost nerve wracking two months of my life," I shuddered, my handsshaking.

"I knew you could handle it."He tried to smile, but seeing me so frayed at the edges flipped hisconcern switch.

"You never told me you had atwin," I said softly, avoiding the, Ialmost lost you, conversation.

"Vard... died, shortly before Imet you. I found him and my parents slaughtered in our home afterworking a job. I was determined to find out what had happened, so Iburied them and set off to discover what sort of monster destroyed myfamily. That's how I recognized your bite as vampire when we met."I absently touched shaky fingers to the two tiny scars I still held.

"I had no idea. You never spokeof your family," I said.

He shrugged. "I was sort of theblack sheep. We didn't really get along as we should have, not likeour family."

I smiled. "Your daughter hasgrown into quite a woman."

He sighed. "You didn't lether come, did you?"

I shrugged. "She would havefollowed had I not."

"Certainly her mother'sdaughter," he took my hands to stop them shaking.

"So, you said Vard died..." Iasked, prodding for more information.

He nodded. "That's what I'dthought, at least until the dreams started."

Everything fell into place. Thenightmares Anders had been having were Vard contacting him. "Youshould have told me," I said.

"All worked out," he smiled.

"You almost died! Your brothertried to torture you to death!" My outrage was clear.

"Actually, Tertius did most ofthe torturing," he pointed out.

"You're really arguingsemantics over..." He stopped my rant with a kiss.

"I've really missed you,"he said suggestively.

"You're not playing fair,"I said unable to staunch my smile.

"You know I never do, littlewarrior. I just need to be able to feel your warmth sharing mine so Ican be sure we both truly did survive," he confessed.

"I think I can help with that,"I agreed, pressing my body to his.

"Spectacular." He grinned."Now, let's get you out of these sticky clothes. I thought thedays of peeling bloody clothes off of you were over."

"You should know I can't keepout of trouble, though this time you were the one who started it."I'd meant it as a joke, but Anders' face fell. "What?" Iasked.

"Ialmost got you killed," he whispered.

"They only took you to get tome," I said. I didn't like guilty Anders. "I take it back."

He started to speak, but I cuthim off, kissing him so intimately there was no question I wasthrough talking. My hands slipped up under his tunic, tracing thesmooth skin that not long ago been covered with marks of torture. Hepulled me against him and I moaned softly. His hands roved all overme, fumbling with the ties that held my clothes on. I cut right tothe chase and gripped his shirt firmly in my fists and tuggedsharply, ripping it open. My lips went to his neck and I slid mytongue slowly to his chest. He'd stopped working on my clothes asI'd distracted him and I took his hand and put it back to work. Wemade short work of the rest of our clothes and I hopped up intoAnders' arms, wrapping my legs around him. He stumbled andchuckled. "We're in a tent, luv," he reminded me. "Unlesswe'd like to wind up in a collapsed heap of embarrassment, Isuggest we take this horizontal."

I slid down him, sighing and putmy feet back on the floor. "Stupid tent," I mumbled.

"Blimey, I love you," hechuckled again. "Don't ever let me get kidnapped again."

"Two months apart is way toolong," I agreed.

He started to kiss me again andguided me to the top of the blankets. Having Anders exploring my bodyhad never felt so good. After our hasty start, we slowed to agradual, reverent climb to pleasure.

"You always give me exactlywhat I need," Anders commented as we lay quietly in each other'sarms. His hand stroked slowly up and down my arm.

My eyes were starting to flutteras the months of broken sleep caught up with me. "I love you," Isaid.

I felt him shift to look at myface. "I'm losing you, Ana," he whispered.

"Mmhmm..." I sighed.

He kissed my head. "Goodnight,my little warrior."

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