Chapter 15

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Minutes later, I was stormingtoward the cell Stefan was chained in, my fists clenched, ignoringthe darkness and the few rats that scurried in my wake. Anders met mein the middle of the dank hallway. "What ever is the matter, littlewarrior? Beriima ordered us quite fiercely to come immediately to thedungeon that you'd put the smack down on our, up until recently,dearly departed Stefan. Not that I'm complaining, luv, but..."

He took my hand as I stopped. Icould feel him probing myaura as waves of anger poured from me. "He slipped his guards,followed me to the Briarwood, and tried to attack me," I growled.

"I knew he was up to something.Are you alright, luv?" he rubbed his hands up and down my upperarms.

"I'm in better shape thanhim," I sighed, letting myself calm under his touch. I rested myforehead momentarily on his shoulder to gather myself.

"Mama!" Stephanie camejogging up the hallway with Reif close behind. "What the bloodyhell happened?"

"Stasia?" Reif questioned.

I looked up at Anders as Westpassed us to continue into the cell at the end of the hallway. "Ineed your expertise," I said. "I don't believe Stefan is alltogether... Stefan."

Anders nodded with concern in hisexpression. "I'll do what I can."

We finished the walk to the cellhand in hand. When we crossed the threshold, I saw that Daeron, Wenand Beri had gotten there first. Beri was standing with her armscrossed glaring in my direction. West had his eyes trained on Stefanwho had already regained consciousness.

He was grinning at me as Iapproached him. The look of evil in his eyes was magnified by theblood now caking all over his face from the broken nose. The arm I'dsnapped stuck at a strange angle as it reached toward the ceiling inthe shackles. He would have made me pity him, had he not looked soconfident. "You are one lucky woman." He smirked then grimaced asthe change in expression jarred his nose. "I underestimated you andthat vampire's bond." His gaze shot to Reif who clenched hisfists.

Anders stepped forward. "Holdstill, you weasel," he said then clapped his hand over the brokennose.

Beri stepped forward with herhand over the hilt of her sword as Stefan cried out. "Don't,Beri, or I'll put you out," I threatened.

She reigned in her anger asAnders went to work, searching Stefan's aura. In moments, Andersshot away from Stefan as if he were pushed and stumbled into Reif,breathing heavily. Stefan's head shot up and he looked wildlyaround the room. Finally his eyes landed on me and my bruised facefrom our encounter in the woods. "Ana? What's..." he let out awhimper of pain.

"Anders?" I asked, wrenchingmy eyes away from Stefan. Even I heard the fear and uncertainty in myvoice.

Anders nodded, as Reif helped himregain his balance. "Demon..." he breathed.

"Demon?!" Stefan askedwildly. "Ana! What's happening? How did I get here? Why am Ichained up?"

"He's hurt!" Beri growled."Let him free! Can't you see that's Stefan?"

"Beri?" his gaze fell to her,his voice pleading.

She made to go to him but Daeronheld her back. "No, sister! If he indeed does have a demon ridinghis body, we can't just let him free."

"Maybe you should sit this out,Beriima," Aelairwen suggested timidly.

I agreed. "Wen, take her and gobe with the children."

"I'm not leaving," Beriprotested angrily.

"That wasn't a suggestion!"I snapped, commanding her obedience. I couldn't afford to have thisgo wrong. Beriima was a wild card.

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