Chapter 11

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I woke before dawn, having fallenasleep before the sun went down. I pulled a change of clothes from mypack to replace my ruined set and dressed before leaving a soundlysleeping Anders to find something to eat.

I was startled by Stefan when Isaw him sitting quietly by the fire staring absently into the embers.It was going to take some getting used to, to have him around."You're up early," I said approaching him.

He jumped as if startled thenturned to look at me. "Never went to bed," he replied. "I can'tseem to sleep."

"Well, you've been dead for17 years. I guess you've rested enough," I joked.

The responding expression was amix of a smile and something less pleasant that made my blood freezein my veins. "I suppose."

I suddenly wished I'd broughtmy dagger with me. I sat on a rock as far from Stefan as possible,but didn't truly relax. Something about how his eyes wouldn'tfocus was keeping me on edge. I heard a rustling nearby and glancedup with one eye still on Stefan and saw the flap of Reif's tentpulling back. I heard his familiar chuckle and Stephanie was smilingas she stepped out.

She looked up and saw me and herexpression crashed. "Oh, good morning, Mama. I was just..."

I smiled as Reif's voice filledmy head. We slept. Thatis all. You had Anders and Stephanie was without a place.

Stop worrying. I've toldyou, I don't mind. Iassured him.

I just don't wish you tothink I only want one thing from her. It is all happening so fast. Iam still reeling, heconfessed.

I laughed out loud and Stefan'shead shot up like I'd slapped him. The intense reaction quelled mylaughter and I glanced at Stephanie who gave him a wide berth as shepassed. "What are you laughing at?" he demanded.

"Reif," I said slowly so asnot to spook him. He was acting like a wild horse. I was afraid hewould bolt if anyone made any sudden movements.

Reif made his appearance then,shirtless, revealing the swirling tattoo that covered most of hisupper body. I took him in as I always did as he said, "Is there aproblem, Stefan?"

"That'suncanny," Daeron's voice broke Reif's hold on my eyes and Ilooked over at him. He was grinning like something was extremelyfunny. "Your expressions, they're identical." He snickered andelbowed West indicating me and Steph. "Look at it."

I pursed my lips, forgettingabout Stefan's strange behavior. "I'm going to tell Wen youvolunteered babysitting duty," I threatened.

His eyes widened as Beri emergedfrom her tent. "I refuse to assist you this time."

"But you're their aunt!" heprotested.

She shook her head and rolled hereyes, going to join Stefan on his log. I chuckled at Daeron'sexpression. "Where's Da? Stephanie asked glancing aroundnervously.

"Sleeping. He must beexhausted," I said. "Constant torture for two months would takeits toll on anyone."

"It takes enormous will powerto recover from such an exigent ordeal," Reif said forlornly.

"You sound as if you'respeaking from experience," Steph said with a strong empathy flowingfrom her voice.

Reif gave a tight lipped nod,"Before I had the protection Genovia and her people, I was awanderer, much like I was before Stasia took me in. I passed througha village..." He paused and rolled his neck with his eyes closed asif trying to shed the awful memories.

"You don't need to finish,"Steph said, tensing to stand, but thinking better of it.

He slipped her a grateful look."I would prefer it if I didn't have to."

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