Chapter 7

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I bolted awake and immediatelybegan to cry. How could this be happening? I balled myself up andcried into my knees. I desperately needed Reif. At least I knew nowwhat I was up against. A small reward for having to watch my lovebeing tortured. I wondered if he still had nightmares, or had Vardbeen the cause of those as well.

My sadness was slowly replacedwith a burning rage. I itched to feel my blade slide easily throughLúthiel's heart. "You willdie," I promised her.

We reached Dravin in a week and Idisembarked anxiously. Reif was waiting for me on the docks. Hegripped me up and hugged me fiercely. "Stasia, how are you holdingup?"

"Better now," I said smilingat him. "I have much to tell you."

"We know who has Da," Stephpiped up.

Reif's eyes flicked to her andwidened. "You brought Stephanie?" he asked, swallowing. "Wasthat wise?"

"She's a good fighter and ifI'd said no, she would have found a way to come anyway. This way, Ican keep an eye on her," I shrugged.

His eyes roved her at length thenhe said, "Let us sit and you can fill me in."

We went to the inn he was stayingat and Zane headed back to Lunda to go back to his regent duties. Ifilled Reif in on everything and as I spoke, I tried to keep feelingfor his thoughts, but he was so well guarded, I was bouncing off ofstone walls left and right. "Are you okay?" I whispered as theothers tried to think up a strategy. "You've shut me out."

His hand found mine under thetable. "My emotions are a jumble, as are yours. Two jumbles wouldmake chaos and that is the last thing we need," he smiled.

"You sound like Anders." Itried to smile, but it choked me.

He transferred my hand to hisother and slid the now free one to cup the back of my neck. Thewarmth he pushed at me felt right and it calmed my frayed nerves. "Wewill get him back."

I slept in Reif's arms thatnight, huddled in a ball with his frame nearly encircling mecompletely. Blimey, it felt good to have him hold me. It was thefirst full night's sleep I'd had since Anders' birthday.

We traveled east towardSummersville. As the time grew shorter, I grew more anxious andintroverted. Daeron said I was starting to remind him of when Drusthad performed a spirit possession on me. One night, I was staring atthe river rushing past as I sat on a rock and Beri approached me. "Ithink there is something you should know, commander."

"If it's bad news, could youstab me in the eye first, so it won't sound so bad in comparison?"I asked, sighing.

I watched Beri decide if I wasserious as her fingers twitched next to her hunting knife. With aslight nod, she settled for saying, "The type of news is a matterof opinion."

"You thought about stabbing mein the eye." I couldn't help but smile. It was just too funny.

"I did no such thing," sheblushed.

"Just give me the news, Beri."I sighed. Someday, I would get her to smile at a joke.

"I was hunting this evening andwhile in the woods, I saw your daughter and your vampire... kissing,rather intimately," she said, as straightforward as ever.

I blinked, trying to absorb whatshe'd just said. "Did they know you saw them?" I asked. It wasthe only question my brain could think to ask.

"Of course, not," she crossedher arms.

"Um... okay. Thank you, Beri,"I said.

She frowned and tried to meet mygaze, but my eyes wouldn't focus. She shook her head and walkedoff. Reif and Stephanie? When had this happened? I saw Beri speak toDaeron and his jaw dropped. "You told her?! Now?!" he hissedloudly.

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