Chapter Forty-Five

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I received a text from Kendall around 5 o'clock in the morning telling me that he had just made his connecting flight and that his expected arrival time was 10:45. Needless to say, I've been up since 5 and it's now 9 o'clock.

I had already been up and about, quietly maneuvering throughout the house so that I didn't wake anyone up. I showered around 6 and laid in my room watching TV as I let my hair dry.

Once it was pretty much dry, I went in my bathroom and curled it, letting each blonde strand fall with a slight bounce. I then went and stood before my closet, trying to decide on the perfect "picking up my boyfriend from the airport" outfit. I finally decided on a pair of leggings and a flowy taupe colored tunic and paired it with some brown boots and a long, teal necklace to add a pop of color; dressy, but casual at the same time.

I did my makeup so that I had more of a natural look and stepped back and gave myself a quick glance. Satisfied with my appearance, I walked out of the bathroom almost three hours later and sat down in the recliner from the night before.

Now I'm sitting here watching Full House and the volume is so low that I can hardly hear it over Matt's snoring. But it's time for him to wake up anyway so why not?

I grabbed one of the decorative pillows off the love seat and tossed it at Matt, aiming for his face. As soon as the pillow made contact, he sprang up and looked around in sheer panic.

"Easy tiger," I laughed, "Sleep good?"

"Once your annoying ass finally went to sleep I did" he said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Why'd you throw a pillow at me?"

"It's time to wake up! Kendall's flight should be here in about an hour and a half" I said as I excitedly bounced in my seat.

By now he had noticed my outfit and gave me a confused look. "You're already ready?" he asked.

I nodded my head quickly. "Whenever he texted me saying he made the flight I was too excited to go back to sleep so I went ahead and got ready!" I informed him.

He just shook his head and laughed as he stood up from the couch. "Well then I guess I better get ready then huh?" he asked as he began to walk past me. I kicked his behind as he passed me and yelled at him to hurry up.

Forty-five minutes later I was dragging Matt out the door and we were on our way to the airport. After the short drive we found a parking spot near the door and got out.

As I closed my door, I used the window to check my appearance. "You look fine," Matt assured me, "He's going to think you got even hotter while he was gone." I shoved him aside jokingly as my cheeks flooded with a pinkish color and made my way inside.

By the time we got settled in two seats in the waiting area near the terminal, it was already 10:30. I nervously tapped my foot and wrung my hands together. The next fifteen minutes were about to be pure torture.

As I stared out the giant window searching for the next plane to land, I heard a commotion near the entrance and turned when Matt tugged at my sleeve. I followed where his finger was pointing and that's when I saw them: camera crews.

"Put these on" he ordered as he handed me a pair of sunglasses and he put on a baseball cap and sunglasses as well.

"Seriously?" I asked as I peaked over the rim of the glasses, "This is the best disguise you could think of?"

"Damn sorry! I left my Hannah Montana wig at home, I'll be sure to bring it next time" he smarted back.

I busted out laughing at his comment and everyone turned to us. "Awkward" I mumbled as I shrunk down in my seat. Matt laughed along with me and thankfully everyone, camera crew included, turned back to minding their own business.

We watched as the crews set up near the terminal and overheard snippets of their conversations. From the looks of it they were definitely waiting for Kendall to get off that plane.

Oh well, I thought, camera crews or not I'm seeing my boyfriend today and that's all that matters right now. I turned my attention back to the glass window and saw a plane touching ground on the landing strip. A voice came over the loudspeaker and announced that it was Flight 538; that was Kendall's connecting flight number!

I excitedly jumped up and ran over the where the passengers would be coming through. The crew members noticed how fast I had moved and for a second I thought they were about to recognize me. Thankfully Matt came up by my side and I slipped my arm around his waist, making it look like we were together. He caught on to what I was doing and did the same.

After a moment they all looked away and we released each other. The first few passengers came through the terminal but none of them were him. Then they started getting off faster.

Matt and I scanned the crowd to the best of our abilities but still saw no sign of him. "This is his plane right?" Matt asked.

I nodded my head and looked some more, my eyes falling on a man wearing a gray beanie walking through the terminal entrance. He was looking down but I swear I recognized the beanie. I tried to look away and search the rest of the crowd but my eyes stayed glued on the man with the beanie. Matt noticed and followed where my eyes were looking.

"Is that...?" he began. The man had stopped and finally looked up. He was wearing pair of sunglasses and had a little scruff on his face, as if he were beginning to grow a beard.

I pushed the glasses I was wearing up on the top of my head, moving strands of my hair from around my face. As I did so, the man did the same and that's when I saw those dazzling green eyes.

"Kendall!" I yelled before I could stop myself. His head whipped around to the sound of my voice and he saw me, a smile forming in his face.

I took off running, pushing my way past people, and bobbing and weaving through the crowd as I made my way toward him. I made it to a clear stretch of tile floor and bounded the rest of the way to him.

Once I was close enough I excitedly threw my arms around his neck. He latched on around my waist and spun me around, everyone in the airport watching us. I felt my feet touch the ground finally and I gave him a good look as I rested my hands on his shoulders.

God, I had missed him; his eyes, his hair, his warm touch, his handsome face, everything. He brought his hands up and cupped my face, a hand on either side.

"I've been waiting for this" he breathed as he crashed his lips to mine. I reached up and ran my hands through his hair as he lifted me up off the ground again, not once breaking our kiss.

At the flash of a camera I pulled about and hid my face in Kendall's neck. "I love you so much" I mumbled.

"I love you more" he said as he squeezed me tight against his body before putting me down.

Matt kindly grabbed his luggage and started walking toward the car as Kendall grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. To our dismay we were stopped by some of the camera people but only one person was asking us questions. He rambled off tons of questions but Kendall politely told him he'd only answer one.

The reporter nodded understandingly before choosing his question. "Now that the tour is over what's next on your agenda?" he asked as he pushed the microphone towards Kendall.

Kendall dropped my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, his hand resting on my hip. I looked up longingly at him and he looked dead at me while responding.

"Spending time with the most important girl in my life. This girl right here. My girl" he said seriously as he passionately kissed me in front of the cameras. "Thank you" he said as he pushed past the rest of the crew members and we made our way to Matt's car holding on to each other and not willing to let go.

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