Chapter Fifty-One

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*Kendall's POV*

I didn't sleep the whole flight. My mind was too busy. I kept replaying the fight, if you could even call it that, over in my head and thinking about what I should've said, thinking about how I shouldn't have packed my stuff, how I should've stayed and hashed things out with her.

It was too late now, I was 30 minutes away from landing at LAX. I pulled out my cell and texted Dustin.

K: Mind picking me up from the airport? I land in 30.

D: Yeah I'll be there in 20, be ready to spill it.

I knew Dustin would expect an explanation as to why I came back 2 days early and there would be no way around it.

I exited the plane 30 minutes later and saw my best friend waiting for me by the door. I acknowledged him but kept walking to his car, silently letting him know we'd talk once we got back to his place.

I tried sleeping on the way but it was no use. I stared out the passenger side window watching the LA lights go by in a blur. We got back to Dustin's place and I left my bags by the door before I took a seat on the couch.

"Talk to me dude" Dustin said as he sat across from me in the recliner.

"I fucked up. Like always." I told him.

"What happened?" he inquired. "She found out before I had the chance to tell her. She got upset and didn't talk to me, she left as soon as we got back home. Then she came back a few hours later and we tried to work it out. She made a point, I yelled at her, we both cried, and I didn't fight for her. I went and packed my shit and left. I should've stayed" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry man" Dustin said. We sat there at a loss for words until I spoke up.

"Do you think we can work things out?" I asked.

"You and Celine? I'm not sure dude..." he said, "but I hope to hell you guys can. She's the best girl you've had since I've known you. So you guys had a little fight, couples fight all the damn time and they stay together."

"But it was the way she said it. She said she couldn't handle the pressure of being a popstar's girlfriend. The last thing I want to do is add more pressure and heartache to her life. You don't do that to the girl you love" I countered.

"Actually you do" he said. I looked at him funny and he kept going. "You add to the pressure without meaning to but then you're always the one there to help her get through it. Think about it man. She's 18, this was totally new for her. She just needs to adjust, give her a few days. Let's finish the song, get through the gig, and then if it's still bugging you, give her a call okay?"

"Okay. Thanks man" I said as I hugged him. It was late so we both headed to bed, Dustin to his room and I crashed on the couch. We'd be in the studio all day tomorrow so I tried getting some sleep but it was hard to do, especially when I'm constantly thinking about how to get my girl back.

*Celine's POV*

I woke up at 8:30 the next morning to find Matt still asleep on the other end of the couch. I quietly got up and went upstairs to the balcony. I perched myself on the railing, my back against the house and my legs outstretched in front of me.

Being out here reminded me of the countless nights Kendall and I had spent up here. We'd come out just to get away from the guys some nights, I'd sit out here watching him as he wrote lyrics and music, some nights we'd just watch the stars together. My eyes started to water as I thought about all those memories.

"How long are you gonna stay here?" I heard Matt ask from the door. I wiped my eyes and turned to him. "I heard you get off the couch and I knew you'd come up here" he said as he hopped up on the rail next to me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I said apologetically. "Is it bad that I half-hoped it was Kendall talking to me when you came around the corner?"

"Not at all," he said shaking his head, "It's y'all's house so you'd expect him to be here. This place holds a lot of memories doesn't it?"

"So many it hurts. I don't think I can keep staying here though. As much as I want to, I don't think I can" I said hanging my head.

"I'll help you pack if you want" Matt offered.

I shook my head declining his offer. "Most of my stuff is still at mom and dad's, I haven't brought it back yet" I told him. "Would you take me home please?"

"You got it kid" he said hopping down. I gave him a half smile and he backed up so as to give me a piggy back ride. I obliged and climbed on his back.

He carried me down the stairs and to the front door. "Nothing you need to get?" he asked as he halfway turned around.

"No," I said looking around, "if I think of anything I'll come back by. He said he's calling a realtor in the next few weeks so I'll come clean up before that."

Matt nodded and stepped out the door. Not moving from my position on his back, I locked the door and put my key in the pocket of Matt's sweatshirt I was wearing.

As he walked to his car, I turned my head and looked at the house one last time. I felt tears stinging my eyes; I felt like I was doing something to kick him out of my life even more. Like I was getting rid of one more piece of him, throwing away thousands of our memories.

I shook the thoughts from my head as I hopped down and got in Matt's car. We arrived at my parents' house not too long after and I thanked Matt and told him I'd call him if I needed him.

When I walked in, my aunt was the only one up. "What are you doing here so early?" she questioned.

I stood there and shook my head side to side as the tears came running down my face like a river. "What's wrong baby girl?" she asked running over and wrapping her arms around me.

"I messed up aunt Jen" I said softly.

"You didn't?" she asked as she put a little space between us. I sat down on the couch and threw my head in my hands.

"I did because I'm stupid. And now I don't know what to do," I said between tears and shaky breaths, "I love him but it feels like it's not working out the way either one of us wants it to. I feel like we both always want to be together but we can't. And he said last night maybe we need more time apart but I don't think we do and I just...I don't know."

"It's okay sweet girl" she said rubbing my back and letting me cry. I stopped after a few minutes and looked at her, my eyes red I'm sure. "Feels better to get that all out doesn't it?" she asked.

I nodded my head and let out a little laugh. "What do I do now?" I asked.

"Try to get over him. I know that's not what you want to hear or what you want to do but you've got to" she advised.

I took a deep breath as I thought about what she said. She was right. But I sure as hell didn't want her to be. "I don't know how to do that" I uttered.

"All you have to do is look ahead. Don't worry about the past. I'm not saying forget the memories; remember those but don't live in the past. You're 18 and about to graduate and take on the world. It's time for you to find out who you are. That may take some time or you may find yourself tomorrow. When that happens, then you can think about finding a man" she told me.

"Thanks aunt Jen" I said giving her a hug.

"Anytime baby" she said as she kissed my cheek.

Now I knew what I had to do. Kendall was out there making a name for himself and showing the world his talent. That's what I had to do. Then maybe by the time I found myself, we'd find each other again.

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