Chapter Fifty-Eight

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"Hi Kenneth" I breathed as he opened the door. He stood there for a moment not saying anything or even moving. I held my breath as it registered with him.

"Oh my God, Celine! Hi, how are you? Come in, come in" he babbled. I stepped inside the door and turned around as he shut it.

To my surprise he came toward me with outstretched arms and wrapped me in a warm embrace. I hesitated but moved my arms around Kenneth's torso and let out my breath, relaxing into his chest.

"What are you doing here?" he asked as he pulled out of our hug.

"'m not exactly sure but..." I stuttered. He looked at me with pleading eyes, waiting for me to spit it out. "Who am I kidding? I'm here to talk to your brother. I messed everything up and I just really want to make things right or at least try to" I spoke honestly.

Kenneth folded his arms and laughed before walking into the living room and taking a seat on the couch. I squinted my eyes and looked after him curiously but followed him. "What?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"You guys are so similar" he said laughing lightheartedly. "Kendall's been saying that he's the one who messed everything up because he just walked out. He misses you. A lot."

"Really?" I asked him finding it hard to believe that.

"Absolutely. You know he wrote a song about you right?" he informed me.

"What? Which one?" I asked curiously.

"The one that all his fans are obsessed with right now: Parallel. He practically took your story and put it into a song" he explained.

I wasn't exactly following Kenneth so I spoke my thoughts aloud. "Two people aren't together...but they're still in each other's lives and..." I stopped as everything clicked.

"Their stars align and everything works out for them in the end" Kenneth finished for me.

"Kenneth who on earth are you talking to?" I heard Kathy's voice come from down the hall and then I saw her figure come around the corner.

"Hi" I said quietly with a small, shy wave. She stopped in the entryway and placed her hands on her hips.

This is just great. The woman who I told I'd never break her son's heart is here, she's pissed, and she hates me.

"You better get your tail over here and give me a hug right now young lady" she exclaimed with her arms wide open.

I breathed a sigh of relief and went running into her arms. "I'm so sorry" I repeated over and over as I hugged her.

I pulled back but her arms remained around my middle section. "Sweetheart don't cry," she said as she wiped away a single tear that had begun to fall, "You're here now and that's all that matters." I hugged her tight again being at a loss for words.

We released each other and sat down on the couch, me in between Kathy and Kenneth. "Does he know you're here?" Kenneth questioned.

I shook my head no. "I didn't even plan on coming until a few hours ago" I replied.

"What did you in?" Kathy asked.

"I was cleaning out the house with my friend Matt and I found the sweatshirt Kendall gave me for Christmas" I began.

"Schmidt's girl?" Kenneth asked. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Then I got to thinking. When we first ended it my aunt told me maybe I just needed time. You know some time to figure out who I was and who I wanted to be. When I found my hoodie I realized what I should've known all along. That's who I was, who I am. I didn't feel like myself without him. So I ran home, packed a bag, and left. Matt stopped me to give me this," I said lifting the heart-shaped pendant from its resting place on my neck, "and now here I am."

"Well we're glad you're here" Kathy said as she patted my knee.

"So he here?" I asked, after all he was the reason I was here in the first place.

The two of them shook their heads. "Him and Dustin are still on the radio tour but they'll be in tomorrow morning" Kenneth explained.

"Oh okay. Well its late so I should get going but I'll stop by tomorrow" I said as I went to get up.

"Oh no you don't" Kathy said standing up with me. "K1 go get her bags please" she told Kenneth. He did as his mother said and disappeared out the door. "You're staying here tonight sweet girl" she told me.

"Kathy, no I don't want to intrude" I said trying to convince that that wouldn't be necessary.

"You and my son might not be on the best of terms as of right now but you're family as far as I'm concerned" she said, making it obvious that I had no choice. I gave her a soft smile and hugged her as a thank you.

Kenneth came back in with my bag and I took it from him after I thanked him and told him goodnight. I followed Kathy upstairs to the second floor where the bedrooms are.

"Will you be alright staying in Kendall's room?" she asked wearily.

"Yeah sure" I said as I walked in a put my bag on the floor beside the king size bed. "Do you know what time he'll be home tomorrow?" I asked Kathy before she walked out.

She came further in the room and sat down next to me on the bed. "It'll probably be around lunchtime or a little before so you've got some time" she assured me.

"I just don't know what I'm going to say" I told her.

"Just tell him what's on your mind. He knows you well enough to know how you operate and vice versa. Don't stress about it, it'll all be fine" she said as she gave me a reassuring squeeze.

She got up to leave but stopped at the door. "Thank you for coming out here," she said quietly, "It speaks volumes of you."

"Really?" I asked.

She nodded her head. "Absolutely and it only reaffirms my first impression of you."

"And what would that be?" I asked intrigued.

"That you're the type of girl I want my son to be with. Not to mention that it shows that you really do love my baby boy a whole hell of a lot. Goodnight sweetie" she said as she smiled and shut the door.

I felt a smile creep onto my face as I changed my clothes and climbed into Kendall's bed. I cut off the lamp and pulled the comforter tight around me.

As I buried my head into the pillow Kendall's scent clouded my senses. I took a deep breath, reveling in the scent that I had missed and loved so much. I felt my drowsiness and jet-lag spread throughout my body before sheer exhaustion sent me into a deep sleep.

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