Chapter 1

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"Honey, the movie's going to start, soon. I don't want to be late," my dad began, "Come on!"

My mom looked into my eyes and kissed me warmly on the cheek, "Take care, Cam," she whispered, "Be good to Miss Alana."

Alana Smitten, my seventeen year old babysitter. She had all the makeup, popularity, and looks up all in her tiny brain. She didn't pay attention to me much. Alana basically got paid to chit-chat with her friends all day.

"I'll be the worst I can be," i teased.

My mom snickered, "Ok, just listen to her, ok?"

"Laura!" My dad rushed her.

"Ok, take care."

They went out the door as Alana hugged me, well my neck, like she was about to choke me.

We heard the garage open, then close.

"Ok, you little brat, I'm going upstairs," she snapped. Alana grabbed a bowl of already made popcorn. "Bother me and I'll tell your little mommy that you ran down the street and almost killed yourself. Hear me?"

I nodded my head.

She strutted her way upstairs to laziness, while I sat on the couch and watched TV.

Oh, I'm being rude. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Cameron Nitton. My age? Well, thirteen, but my parents are too overprotective to leave me home alone.

I watched the news, like usual, while every once in a while, Alana yelled, "CARSON? ARE YOU ALIVE?"

Even though she used the wrong name, I would answer her a yes.

"Breaking news!" A reporter began, "We've been investigating a a thirty eight year old woman, Whitney Liam, conducting an experiment on monkeys!"

"Now, that has been on for quite a while," I spoke to myself.

The screen switched to a picture of a young brunette woman, dressed in a white labcoat, being interview with Debra Wickinson.

"Has your experiment gone completely wrong?" Debra asked.

"Yes, many times, but finally, I think I have made progress! The world will change for good!" Whitney said.

"Good? How will your experiment benefit the world?"

"Well, it will make a whole new world," Whitney got a little more serious. "I am offering each government two billion dollars for me to test each and everyone on earth."

"BILLION?" Debra reassured her. "Two billon?"

"Yes, two billion. I come from a very wealthy family."

"Well, I bet the government will consider the offer, Ms. Liam!"

"Thank you."

"Good luck, and thank you for being here with us-"

I tuned out the rest.

I thought about it for a second.


"Two billion dollars? No way! That woman can't have that much money!"

And you know what?

I was wrong.

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