Chapter 2

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She said it wouldn't be too different.

But you know what? People lie.

I never thought she'd actually complete it, but just a year later, it happened. First, everyone in the United States were required to be injected, then Asia, then Africa, then Australia, and so on.

I guess the government really needed money, because i had just turned fifteen when dad came home, looking hypnotized.

"You have not been injected yet. She will be upset if you don't do so now," and strongly grasped mom on her arm.

"DANIEL!" My mom struggled.

Dad had a strong grip on her, dragging her to the garage.

"NO!" Mom grabbed a steak knife from off the counter and stabbed him in the heart.

"Ah!" He snapped out of it.

Mom pulled the knife out of him.

"Laura..." He whispered and fell to the ground.

"M-mom. You killed him..." I murmured.

"Cameron, they're on their way over to our house. You need to go. GO!" She told me.

"Come with me!" I pulled on her shirt.

"I can't. Honey, they saw me. They already know I am not injected. They didn't see you. You're safe!"

I was confused, "They didn't see me?"

"I wish I could explain. Just run!"

I shook my head, "I'm not leaving you!"

Mom gave me the sad eyes, "Just go...GO!!!"

I gasped. I've never heard her so demanding. It must be important.



Suddenly, alarms began to blare outside of our home.

I found the back door and quickly made an escape with tears quickly building up in my eyes.


Controllers, they were apparently half injected so they could control part of their brain. They were the ones who captured and injected a being. They were so loyal and trusted.

"We've got a dead injected on the ground. 2037 is his name. A stab mark in his heart. Cannot locate the murderer."

"Oh God." I winced.

I slowly stood up and ran. I jumped the fence with one question, hanging by a thread.

Where was my mom?

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