Chapter 6

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Arctic's face was looking like she was about to have a panic attack.

"Are you sure about this, Cameron? I mean, knives? I've seen more people use guns."

"Yeah, well we're living in a world of hypnotized-robot people. Anything can happen, my friend."

"Well, I've never robbed anything."

"Just think of it as taking without permission and without paying."

"Which is stealing."

"Then we shall thrive to survive."

"Oh my God."

We rounded the gas station with out knives in our pockets.

I walked in like any other person would. Arctic followed me through one isle as I looked up and searched for security cameras.

"Right there," Arctic whispered in my ear.

"Good job, now squat down and pick a snack and slowly and quietly open it."

She did what I told her to do. Arctic quietly crunched on a bag of Chex, hoping it would fill her up.

"Do you think the cashier's injected?" She asked me.

"I don't know, but I don't feel like killing another hoard of them, so let's just ignore and sneak out with a bunch of snacks and drinks. Let's go grab a Gatorade or something."


"That'll also do," I crept over to the drinks and opened the glass door.

"Ooh, how about water, a Gatorade, some iced tea, and a soda-"

"No soda, but the other stuff will do."

"Cameron, he's looking at up, very suspiciously," she grasped my shoulder.

"Just ready your knife," I said, trying not to blush my way through this robbery.

"I'm scared."

"Arctic," I looked into her eyes. "If escaping means killing, do so to survive. Everybody is becoming injected. The worst thing that could happen is if we're injected as well. So, fight for what you believe in, and that's to be normal. You hear me?"


"Ok, good, get drinks. No soda or energy drinks. Water, tea, and Powerade or Gatorade."

I held the glass door open while Arctic shoved multiple drinks in a shirt.

"Come on, Arctic, hurry up," I rushed her.

"Calm yourself. You can't rush a girl."

I finally closed the door, quietly, as she crouched behind the chips isle.

"Grab a non-noisy snack," I told her.

Arctic scooted past me, and grasped two bags of beef jerky, five bags of peanuts, and a bag of sunflower seeds out of its shell.

"Great, let's head out as quietly as possible."

"Won't there be an alarm for unpaid items?" She worried.

"Nah, not in gas stations."

I snuck past her and the cashier.

"Follow me," I demanded.

"And he won't notice a random door open and close?"

"The bell will sound, again. You make a run for your life. The police are probably injected, so you have nothing to worry about."

I crouched over to the door and put my hand on the door handle. I was about to open the door until I heard, "What do you think you're doing?"

And then a gun cock.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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