Chapter 5

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We ran until we reached a gas station. Probably not the best place, but we went behind the building, anyway.

Arctic caught her breath, while tears ran down her cheeks.

"Andrew has been injected! We left him back there! You left him back there!" She got in my face.

"Whoa, whoa! Slow your roll! I saved you!"

"You got him captured by Controllers-"





"SHUT UP WITH THE I COULD'VE!" I started to calm down. "There was nothing we could do."

"I could've gotten him a knife-handed him my knife-that way I would've replaced-"

"-No! Nobody's replacing anybody. We are a team, now, and there is no replacing."

"I could've..."

"Listen, I know you regret not defending Andrew, but we're not injected, nor disguised good enough. That lady who first came after us asked where our number was. We need to get a number so we can blend in like a chameleon."

"Yeah...sure. We just need to survive. I...could've grabbed his bag with all the-"

"We're leaning against a building full of food."

"I don't have any money, though."

Arctic emptied her pockets.

"Nothing, either." I told her.

"What're we gonna do, rob it?" She chuckled.

I stared at her with the most serious face I've ever had before.

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