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I'm in constant battles for her heart yet the war is difficult but sweet like a bunch of crambuleys and strawberry poptarts. I try to bring her in with sweet symphonies but each song doesn't top her chart damn where the hell do i even start!?!

I am talking bout a chick who I think is fly. Don't tell me.... I know that line was cheesy but when I say this girl is beautiful please believe me. I don't know why she likes to taunt me... I got mad respect for you cause you're never tipsy,never greedy but why the hell do you always make me go like Bruno screaming please me baby please me! Oppsy I made a doozy all I'm praying is please don't lose me. The sad part is I'm alway on my knees n yet you still refuse me.

I've been floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee yet you built your walls up like I'm facing Muhammad Ali. Why you gotta be so hard on me. All I want you to do is fall for me...don't worry I will catch you n love you. Never misuse you and always beside you. I know I keep coming back, i just can't help it. I really think you're worth it.


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