I stood atop the balcony overlooking the once vibrant, majestic and full of love....this heart of mine. Now look at what I'm left with...a tarnished broken down barely functioning heart...a sight for sure eyes. I mean all these cracks, broken pieces, missing pieces. Everything is gone and I got nothing to believe in. All because of you. As I still stand here and look at all the decisions I ever made for you I feel like the cracks worsen. Everything I did...you were supposed to be my chosen one, hoping we could band together in harmony to be come one. You reeled me in so we can be one flesh but you still remained sel-fish.
What didn't I do for you....I gave you the shirt off my back.... loved your all the easy to the moon and back. You thought you were a smooth criminal who can steal my heart n moon walk on it. The unfortunate part is no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop it. Was I a joke to you? You stood right next to me in this very balcony with my kingdom and intentions in full view. I called you out in your shit and you act the fool!?! Man that ain't fair...I gave you most of what I had to the point I walked bare! Do you know what it feels like to tred upon eggshells!? HUH DO YA!?! I'm sure that doesn't matter cause even my bitter tears didn't move ya.
I still stand on this balcony looking at my heart....my kingdom and this is the worst it's ever been. You really thought you could have a relationship that looked like you had a one night stand with queen? Well I'm gonna hit back at you like friday the thirteenth. Scarier than the ghoul that haunts Halloween. I've always be a sweet girl my rap was clean but ever since I met you and had this broken heart I just became so mean. My parents got wind and they said it's the worst they've seen. I should probably just break your arm and fracture your spleen and make it look like Winnie the poo did it cause all you will find will be honey on the scene.
But then again all that you took from me finished my energy. I cant fight back cause I'm still in sorrow and I have to deal with this heart attack. All those wasted years of affection that I cant even get back yet you still indulge in those screwed up tendencies and you wouldn't even pay me back. I always have to be in long sleeves to cover up my scars...especially on my back because they reflect the cracks of my broken heart. Now that you've left me with this mess I really hope your mental is at its best. If anyone asks why I have high castle walls and watch everything from the balcony wearing a bullet proof vest....you should be the one to come answer this test. YOU ARE GUILTY!! YOU ARE FILTHY!!! You have every right to go to hell cause you MISUSED ME!! Now cause of you I'll treat me heart like it's under threat and seeing me on that balcony with reinforcements is a serious bet.
♦️Joúe's book of Thoughts♦️
PoesiaInspired by a variety of factors that played a huge part in my life,I began to write without even realising what I had. What you will read in here is either from songs,photos, people or curtain circumstances that had an effect on me.😯 Each and eve...