|Airplanes and Snow|

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Jack's POV

My alarm went off at 3:00 am because our flight left at 6:00 am to Canada. We decided we need to get to the airport at 4:00 am because of how crowded it may be by fans. Our managers want us to stop to talk and interact with fans most of the time for more publicity and stuff, so we get places early so we can do that.

I get up and quickly change before grabbing an outfit for Zach, knowing he will be too lazy to pick one out himself, and end up not matching. I changed into a simple tan hoodie with a black T-shirt under, and some black sweatpants. I grab Zach some leggings, a plain blue T-shirt and one of my hoodies, knowing that his will be too thin, or cropped, and when our plane lands it's supposed to be really cold and he'll whine.

"Z get up." I say shaking him a little. He just groans and rolls over into the covers more.

"C'mon. I already have some clothes out for you. Change, and I'll carry you out to the van." I tell him. I hear him let out a sigh, but he gets up, slowly. He grabs his clothes I set out, and starts to change.

The boys and I have all changed in front of each other before so it's not awkward really. I just go back on my phone.

One of our security guards comes in after Zach's done and put his old clothes away. He takes our luggage down to the lobby most likely to the van. We thank when he leaves with our stuff, before closing the door.

"Carry now" I hear Zach mumble before I feel the bed dip down next to me.

"Okay. Let me put some shoes on first." I tell him. I put my phone in my hoodie pocket, and put on some sneakers lacing them up. I look back over to Zach, seeing him sleeping, but he has some slip on Vans on so I don't need to wake him up again.

I stare at him for a minute. He looks so peaceful. His lips are slightly parted, his breaths going in and out so smoothly. He's curled up into a fetus position, with his messed up undone hair. How. How can he look so stunning while sleeping?

I come out of my trance, and walk over to the sleeping beauty, and slowly pick him up. He shuffled around and wraps his arms around my neck, and his legs around my waist. I grab his phone off the bed, and put it into my sweats pockets. I look around making sure we have everything, and then I walk out of the room with my sleepy Zachy.

Eventually we get to the airport, Zach being more awake now. We all take pictures and say hi to fans because past a certain point they can't go farther so we're interacting with them now. We decided to go on a public airplane for the first flight so we can interact more, but the rest of tour it's all a private airplane and tour bus.

Once we finish talking to fans and taking pictures we all go to check in and security. Jonah got TSA precheck, so he got to the other side before us, so he went to get everyone coffee.

We eventually made it onto the plane. All of us we scattered but in pairs. Daniel was with Troye, Jonah was with Shawn, Corbyn was with our overall group manager because Corbyn likes to know everything that's going on with tour. He's fascinated by all that stuff and space. Anyways, Zach and I were sitting together.

His claustrophobia was okay on planes, he didn't have major freak outs like elevators that go too slow, but if the flight was long enough he'd get really anxious. This flight is about four hours and thirty minutes long, so hopefully he's fine. He always struggles with take off, landing, and turbulence so he needs comfort.

Third Person POV

Throughout the whole flight, Zach and Jack's hands were intertwined. Zach ended up sleeping about a quarter of the way through the flight, after Jack convinced him to get some rest because they had woken up early. Zach had fallen asleep, thinking about how Jack truly cared for him, and wanted him to get better. A while after he had fallen asleep, Zach's head had fallen onto the shoulder belonging to Jack Avery.

Once the landing of the flight was announced, Jack had woken up the boy who he cared for lots. Once off the plane, they were all escorted by security to the van that was going to take them to a hotel to have Jack and Zach go into another van to take them to their actual hotel, just in case fans followed them.

The other five boys took the original van to Shawn's house, which thankfully was located in an area where not many people lived, and was more of a private area. The five boys were greeted by Shawn's smiling family.

Jack and Zach were taken to a more reserved and private hotel. It had an outdoor and indoor heated pool, which Jack knew Zach would visit in their time in the hotel, and Zach himself knew he would find his way there eventually.

The two boys found their room on the fifth level, with a view of the city of Toronto.

"C'mon Zach" Jack says after the two boys set their luggage on the single bed in the room.

"Where?" Zach asked, not knowing why Jack is telling him to go somewhere while motioning to the door.

"On a walk. They have a cool outdoor area. It's like a mini park they have behind the hotel. It even has a pond with a fountain, and a bunch of beautiful plants." Jack says to the younger boy, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the stairway. It was cold, so Jack figures that going up and down the five flights of stairs would be good exercise and a good way to warm up their bodies.

"Woah..." Zach mumbles out as they make it to the park like area the hotel had. Green grass all around. The trees leaves had flowers bloomed on them. Everything was blooming, like spring even though it was freezing outside.

"Z, look..." Jack says softly. Zach turns to look Jack noticing him looking up. So, Zach looks up at the sky noticing soft white dots falling from the sky gracefully. Snow. It was snowing. Zach had never seen the snow before. Zach never traveled anywhere outside of Texas until he moved to LA, and never experienced the snow. On tour all the places that snowed, they visited when it was hot.

Jack and Zach watched the sky as the snow fell and landed on the ground softly. Snowflakes landing lightly on Jack and Zach's hair. Some even landing softly on their eyelashes. Their skins paled from the coldness, as they had been standing watching the snow fall for about ten minutes now.

Frozen water. It mesmerized Zach. The snow, was one of his favorite forms of water now. It was a frozen drop of water. All different. How when it touched another snowflake they bonded and didn't melt, but when they touched the skin or met the breath of a living being, it melted away to water. It was peaceful. It calmed Zach. His face held a smile as he turned to face Jack, who was already staring at the boy with a smile, loving the fact he made the younger boy happy.

"Thank you" was all Zach said. Jack smiled more at Zach, before they continued their midday walk around the beautiful scenery, hands still intertwined.

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