|Interview Day|

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Jack's POV

I wake up to my alarm. I quickly turn it off, and check my phone real quick. I see a text from our managers saying we have a last minute interview and we have to leave in thirty minutes.

"Zachy, wakey wakey" I say shaking the shoulders of the younger boy laying on top of me. He groans and shoves his head into my shoulder. I let out a quiet laugh.

"Fine. Be like that" I say before rolling over, so he was underneath me. He lets out a groan and opens his eyes.

"Fine I'm up. Now get if of me fatty" He says tiredly.

"I'm hurt!" I say dramatically rolling off of him and onto the other part of the bed.

"Nooo. I didn't mean it Jacky!" Zach says hugging me.

"Fine. I forgive you. Now get dressed dork. We have to leave for an interview in twenty five minutes" I tell him releasing from the hug and messing up his bed head hair. He slaps my hand away and I laugh.

"Okay. I'll be ready in twenty" He says grabbing his bag of stuff and running to the bathroom. I groan and get ready in our room while he uses the bathroom the whole time.

I put on a over sized blue Champion shirt, with some black skinny jeans, and some sneakers. I looked in the mirror above a dresser, and fixed my curls a little.

"Zach we have to be down there in five minutes!" I shout through the bathroom door. About a minute later he opens the bathroom door ready to go, dressed in a blue cropped Champion hoodie, and some black skinny jeans. He also had on some blue converse. We were basically matching, and when he realized, we started to laugh.

"Okay lets go" He says grabbing his phone and mine, before grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door.

We take the elevator down, and he grips my hand tighter. We've gone places together and had to take elevators, so we all know that Zach hates them. The elevator shook a little as we were about to reach the lobby level, causing Zach to squeeze his eyes shut, and grip my hand more.

"Look. We're fine. We're at the lobby now" I say to him quietly. He nods his head, and walk to the elevator doors before they even opened.

Zach basically runs off the elevator and continues to hold my hand, still scared. We reach the boys, and he still hasn't let go.

"Never again" Zach says wide eyed still.

"What?" Asked Jonah, the others nodding not knowing what he meant.

"The elevator shook a little as we were on the floor above. It scared him and he ran off as soon as we reached the lobby." I explained. The all nodded their heads understandingly. We all met with the security, and they walked us out to the car.

Some fans were outside, and started to scream. The guard formed a sort of circle around us, and Zach's grip on my hand tightened. We made it to the car, and all sighed in relief. We all basically slept in the car because it was a half hour long car ride, and it was six am currently.

We finally made it to the interview place, and we're rushed into hair and makeup.

"Hey what's up people of the world! Welcome back! Today I am here with Shawn Mendes, Troye Sivan, Jack Avery, and Zach Herron!" The interview lady said.

Third Person POV

The four boys smile and wave to the camera after she introduced them.

"So you all are on tour together, that must be fun" The interviewer says into her microphone looking towards the boys.

"Yeah it is. We all get along great" Shawn says flashing his award winning smile.

"Yeah I agree. We all are great friends, and are basically all brothers." Troye adds.

"Well, speaking of friendships, Jack, fans have seen you with your friends. What made you decide to bring them?" The interviewer asked, looking between the two boys.

"Well, my friends Jonah and Daniel have been friends since middle school. We just get along great, and they helped me to achieve my dreams, and be here today. I love my best friends, and I know I can count on them." Jack says looking from the interviewer towards his friends behind the camera and smiling at them.

"We love you too Jacky!"Daniel and Jonah say in sync from behind the camera. The boys on the couch all laugh, along with the interviewer, at Jack's friends' words.

"So, Zach, friends have been wondering about your friends too. Specifically the one from the pier, and the one on tour with you." She asks the youngest boy.

"Yeah, so I brought Corbyn with me on tour. He is basically my big brother. I tell him everything, and he knows more about me than anyone. The only other person who knows me that well, is the person I was at the pier with. His name is Alexander, and him, Corbyn, and I were all best friends the summer before middle school, up until high school. I lost contact with Alex as I left to pursue music. Stuff had happened, but we made up and I was catching up with him. He is also like my big brother, they both are. They are my family, and I love them." Zach explains, smiling at Corbyn behind the camera.

"I love you too" Corbyn says running over to Zach and quickly hugging him before running back behind the camera. Everyone lets out a laugh at the blondes actions.

"So, now that we covered friendships, how about relationships?" The interviewer asked wiggling her eyebrows looking at the boys. They all let out a laugh.

"Just to make this easy, raise your hand if single." She said. All the boys raised their hands, except for Troye. When the other boys saw this they all had their mouth open, while a specific blue eyes, brown haired boy blushed behind the camera.

"We are keeping it private for now, but he means the world to me" Troye says smiling quickly glancing quickly at the boy behind the camera.

"Okay. Now, we have we fans shipping Shawn and Jack's friend Jonah. Troye and Jack's friend Daniel. Then, Jack and Zach." All the had blushed all having crushes on the person they were shipped with. It was a good sign, meaning the fans would most likely support them if it were to happen.

"Um... It's nice the fans ship us, and we are fine with it. We all hang out with that other person sometimes one more than others, and fun fact Jonah and Shawn room together, Jack and I room together, then Daniel and Troye room together, but Corbyn's also with them." Zach says to the lady, as he and all the boys on the couch stopped blushing slowly.

After that, they wrap up the interview about five questions later. They went back to their hotel, and packed up most of their things, because the day after tomorrow they were leaving to go on the rest of tour. Tomorrow they have their first concert in LA, then they go onto other places, and end back in LA.

"Goodnight Zachy" Jack says as he turns off his lamp covering up with the blanket.

"Night Jacky" Zach says turning off his bedside lamp and covering up with the blanket as well. After a good five minutes, Zach couldn't sleep, and assumed Jacl was asleep by now, and cuddled into Jack's side, sleep instantly overtaking his body.

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