|Oceans And Fights|

353 16 5

Zach's POV

I finished my ice cream cone as we reached where the water meets the sand. I hopped off Alex's back, and sat down on the sand. Alex sat down next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder, and he wraps his arm around me.

"I missed you" I tell him, staring at the water. I watched as the waves built up, then crashed down, barely reaching my toes. I had taken my shoes off when we had sat down.

"I missed you too. You were like the brother I never had." He told me. I smiled. Alex has always been a older brother figure to me. Before everything went down, he and Corbyn would be there for me after everything that happened.

"You were the older brother I never had. I hope soon Corbyn will forgive you too, and you could come to some shows." I tell him, continuing to stare at the water.

"Yeah. And I can go and intimidate your future boyfriend." He says while laughing. I laugh softly, before my eyes softly start to close. I lean more into Alex, getting comfy.

"It's getting late and you're tired, c'mon I'll give you a ride to your hotel." I hear him say. I nod my head and put my shoes on before standing up and walking to Alex's car.  I give him the address of the hotel, and he drives me there.

"Let's get you to bed, and I want to try and make up with Corbyn." Alex says. My tired eyes go wide at that.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure he wants to kill you." I tell him.

"Yup" He says before getting out of the parked car. I sigh, and get out and lead him to the floor that all of us are on.

"This is my room. I share with Jack. Next door is Corbyn, Daniel, and Troye. Then, the door on the other side of my room is Jonah and Shawn's room. Be careful" I tell him.

"I will. I'll come back in here after to tell you how it went. If you hear yelling don't be alarmed or worried. I deserve to be yelled at. I'll be back, you just stay in your room, and get ready for bed, it's late" Alex says to me. I nod my head, and hug him, as he gives me a kiss on my forehead.

I give him one last smile before I unlock my hotel room, and walk in, seeing Jack laying on the bed watching reruns of Full House.

"Hey. How was it catching up with your friend?" Jack asked me. I go to my suitcase and rummage through it.

"It was fun. However, he is right next door most likely about to get yelled at by Corbyn." I tell him finally finding some clothes to sleep in.

"Why would Corbyn yell at him? I thought he didn't know the person." Jack asked.

"Yeah. That person was my friend Alex from school. He had outed me, and Corbyn and I were upset. I was sad, and he was mad. Alex was like a brother to me, and knew things that I only told him and Bean. I forgave him, and hung out with him today. I missed him, and I'm happy I got to see him today. And Corbyn wants to kill him." I tell Jack walking slowly over to the bathroom.

"Well why aren't you going to help him?!?" Jack asked. I'm sure he wants to make sure no one gets hurt.

"It's fine. Alex is a tough guy, and he said he would come back here afterwards to tell me how it went. Plus he said he deserved to get yelled at" I say.

"Okay. Well you look tired, I'll let you get changed." Jack said turning his attention back to the tv.

I walk into the bathroom and change into some shorts, and a hoodie I found in my suitcase. I'm pretty sure it might be Jack's, but it's comfy and smells like his cologne so I'm gonna keep it on. A lot of our clothes get mixed up on laundry days, and yesterday we all cleaned our clothes, because we did a few interviews a few days before we got back here, after visiting family.

I brush my teeth, and while I'm doing that, I hear yelling through the wall, and then after a few minutes, silence. I finish brushing my teeth, and walk out of the room. I go and sit next to Jack.

Jack's POV

While Zach is in the bathroom, I hear yelling, but can't make out the words. Zach soons walks over to the bed, changed, and plops down next to me, I'm my hoodie. I don't care though because he looks cute in it. Management thought it would be best to get one bed hotel rooms, to save money, so Zach and I share a bed and room, Jonah and Shawn share a bed and room, and Corbyn, Troye, and Daniel share a room. I'm not so sure about the sleeping arrangements though.

We hear a key being put in our lock, and watch the door as Corbyn and this Alex kid walk in.

"Everything went good Z. A little yelling, but we worked it out." This Alex guy says walking over to Zach and I. Zach stands up, going over to hug the other two boys. I'm just waiting for me to get introduced to this boy.

"Oh. Alex this is Jack, Jack Avery. He's one of the people who I'm performing with." Zachs to Alex smiling. Gosh that smile will be the death of me.

"I'm Alex, nice to meet you" He says walking over to me, as I stand up.

"Nice to meet you too" I say bro hugging him. Alex talks for about five minutes, before Zach lets out a cute yawn. I smile a little, and Alex says he's gonna go. We all say bye, and Corbyn walks him out, going to his own room.

"Goodnight Zach" I say turning off the tv.

"Night Jacky" He says tiredly before turning off the bedside light. I stare at the ceiling, with a hundred thoughts. After a few minutes, I  decide to let it go, and go to sleep. I close my eyes, and as I'm about to fall asleep, I feel Zach move in his sleep. He ends up with his arm over me, basically laying on top of me. I smile, and close my eyes falling asleep.

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