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Third Person POV

It was now the day of the last concert of tour. They decided they might as well end the tour back in Los Angeles because they show had sold out, so they added the extra show to the end of tour. All the boys became really close friends, but Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, Jack, and Zach became really close.

The day was really hyped up, yet sad. The boys were going to miss being on tour together, but everyone had big plans for the future.

The day started like any other day on tour. Jack woke Zach, after he caved into letting Zach sleep for another five minutes. 

Shawn and Jonah were awake way before the others. Shawn had gotten ready before waking up Jonah, and they went on a super early morning walk around Los Angeles like they did at every place they stopped on tour.

Troye had to wake up Daniel who was always cuddled up into his side when they slept or were away from any cameras. 

Corbyn was woken up by the one and only Alexander. Alex had joined them on tour for the last two months, getting to spend time with Zach and Corbyn. In fact, Corbyn and Alex were always hanging out while Shawn, Troye, Zach, and Jack were all doing sound check. 

Today was a big day. For Zach and Jack. Zach just didn't know it yet. 

While Jonah and Shawn were on their early morning walk  about a week ago in Australia, Shawn stopped and so did the confused Jonah. Shawn started telling Jonah how he had made Shawn so happy these past few months. Then, at around five forty five am, Shawn asked Jonah to be his boyfriend. Jonah said "yes" obviously because of how much he liked the other Harry Potter fan, coffee lover, and singer who he had spent the best months of his life with so far. 

They walked back to the hotel, hand in hand, not caring about anyone seeing them, because of how early it was, and because it would be last time they would see each other before Shawn went back home for awhile to see family, and Jonah would be off making the big plans happen. 

Troye and Daniel had been dating most of tour, but were never official until two nights ago. Troye and Daniel had gone to the pier in Santa Monica for a date. When Troye had won Daniel a huge stuffed animal from the pier, he placed a stuffed fluffy heart in its hands and handed it to Daniel. The heart had said "Will you be mine?", Daniel had some tears form in his eyes, thinking troye would never make it official. Daniel had said "yes" to the boy who he had secretly stalked on social media before they met on the tour. Daniel never told Troye he had a crush on him before they met, but Daniel didn't know that Troye had like him before they met too. Let's just say Daniel wasn't the only one who stalked the others Instagram. 

Corbyn and Alexander. That was the couple that shocked everyone on tour. Truth is, they both knew they like each other back in highschool. Then, when Alex messed up, Corbyn had pushed those feeling back as far as he could. When Alex joined them for the last two months, they both felt their feeling return for each other. Alex and Corbyn made it official when they were back home in Texas. Alex had taken Corbyn back to a spot they went to when they were younger. They both found out it was their favorite place to go when school life got to much for them. There, by a calm stream flowing through a park, Alex asked corbyn to his boyfriend, and Corbyn said "yes" and that's also where they had their first kiss with each other.

Now, that's everyone except for Jack and Zach. The two boys had become closer every time they were together. Jack wanted to ask Zach to be his boyfriend in a meaningful place. So, about an two hours before sound check, Jack took the very confused Zach to the pool area where they sat and talked. 

"So, why'd you take me here?" Zach asked as he watched ripples in the water be made as his and Jack's feet were submerged in the water.

"Well, these past few months you have made me really, really happy. You are special, and I don't want to lose you. Even though we know we are going to be together a lot more with our future plans, I was wondering if you would like to be my boyfriend?" Jack asked as he looked into the younger boys eyes. 

Zach's face lit up with a smile and he hugged Jack. 

"Yes. Of course Jacky." Zach said happily. Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around the younger boy.

"Okay. Let's go." Jack said. They got up and put back on their shoes and headed to sound check. 

All the boys were ready for the show and got changed into their performance clothes.

They went through the show like normal but with a little more energy than they usually have. When the show ended, they all went onstage to take a bow.

"Thank you guys so much!" Troye yelled into the mic.

"This tour has been amazing!" Shawn also yelled into the mic.

"But, before we go, we have a few announcements" Jack said next.

"So, if our lovely friends would come on stage." Zach said after Jack.

Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel made their way on stage and went next to Zach and Jack.

"So, as many of you know, Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel have been on tour with us." Zach starts.

"But what you don't know is that they can sing angelically" Jack says. 

"So," Jack and Zach say.

"I'm Jonah" Jonah says.

"I'm Corbyn" Corbyn says.

"I'm Daniel" Daniel says.

"I'm Jack" Jack says.

"I'm Zach" Zach says.

"And we're Why Don't We!" They all yell at the same time into the mics.

"We all bonded really well over tour, and noticed how nice our voices harmonised together. So the idea was brought about to form a band, and we were like "Why Don't We?"" Jack said. The whole stadium erupted in cheers. 

"Also," Shawn said and then the boys all moved to their significant others and gave them a kiss which made the stadium scream louder.

"I'm also dating Alex. He's just backstage and didn't want to come up here because of stage fright." Corbyn said after he heard a fan yell "What about Corbyn?".

The boys all walked off stage after thanking the fans one last time, and smiled.

This was only the beginning.

A/n: The story is now over. Told you it would be nice and short. Hope you liked it. Okay bye.

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