Pain, Numb.

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3rd person POv

The gps says he reached his destination. Its the club on the address given to him. He parked his car and rush inside. The music is very loud and there's a lot of people inside even though its 3 am in the morning already. Jungkook searched and searched and a voice calling his name caught his attention and he looked.

He knew the man looked familiar but he just cant pin point where he has known him. But then he saw Taehyung and automatically he jog to their direction.

"Yaa what a small world. First i meet Taehyung then you" Jimin says. "Dear god, Jimin?? Was it you whom i speak to earlier? What the hell you could've told me. I was shock" Jungkook finally lower his guard. He glance a look at Taehyung who is sitting beside jimin and sleeping. He mumble something about rice cake being scary and is about to kill him.

What is he dreaming about?

"Come on, lets carry him. I'll help you" Jimin said to Jungkook. "No no its fine, i can piggy back him. Its fine, thank you though for staying with him" jungkook said.

"Taehyung ah, come on. lets go home" jungkook said while shaking his Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung finally open his eyes. "Baby come on, get up. Lets go home" jungkook said softly.

"Who are you calling baby?" Taehyung clearly dont remember Jungkook. Jungkook is starting to get angry but he calms himself down. He know that Taehyung is not in his right mind right now.

"Come on, lean on me. Lets get you home" Jungkook still try to get Taehyung on his feet by grabbing his arms but Taehyung brush it off, roughly.

"Dont touch me. Youuuuh cant touch me!" He is slurring. Jungkook finally lost his patience.
"You know what, lets knock him down. Pour him another drink! I need him passed out so i can carry him" Jungkook said to the bartender. The same bartender who keep pouring Taehyung's drink.

" NO WAAAAY, he has to go home. He was suppose to go home 3 hours ago. Just carry your boyfriend by force to the car already" Jimin says.

"And pay for his drink" the bartender added.

"Husband.." Jungkoon says to Jimin.
"What?" jimin asked, confused.

"Not boyfriend, husband" for some reason Jungkook feel the need to correct Jimin. He doesnt want Jimin to think of Taehyung as his boyfriend. Jimin was caught by surprise. The word husband stings. 7 years and it looks like Jimin is not completely over Taehyung.

"Husband.. to the car" Jimin said with a smile he genuinely trying to fake. "Yeah okay" Jungkook said. He went to pay for Taehyung's bill. He is dumbfounded by the total amount he has to pay for Taehyung's drinks. Taehyung hate drinking. He usually dont drink, so why all of the sudden he is drinking..

Taehyung struggles during the piggy back ride to the car but eventually he stopped fighting. Jungkook thanked Jimin and the other guy one last time and put Taehyung in the back seat. Taehyung lied down and continued sleeping. Jungkook arrived safely to their home.

He bring Taehyung inside. Taehyung staggered and find his way to the living room and lied on the floor. Jungkook went to the kitchen to bring Taehyung a glass of water. Jungkook bring the glass to Taehyung but Taehyung is ignoring him. Jungkook sigh. He noticed Taehyung's clothes. His drink must've spilled on his clothes.

Jungkook unbotton his shirt but then Taehyung slap his hands.

"Dont touch mee" Taehyung said.

"Your cloth is wet, i need to change it" Jungkook replied and tries to unbotton it again.

But Taehyung slap his hands again, hard. And Jungkook is pissed. He didnt know that drunk Taehyung is so annoying.

"Yaa i said-"

"I SAID DONT TOUCH ME. IM A MARRIED MAN" Taehyung yelled. Taehyung sits up and face Jungkook.

"Please, dont touch me, i have a husband.." his words is still slurry but its clear enough. Jungkook is taken by surprise and his brain has stopped functioning. Even in Taehyung's drunken state, he still remember that he is a married man. Somehow Jungkook feel proud of his husband. He is proud that Taehyung is defending his honor and would not let anyone touch him. Jungkook smiles.

Taehyung lies back to the floor.

"I love my husband.. even when my husband stopped loving me..." Taehyung continued and close his eyes. Jungkook fell silent. Taehyungs word surprise him so much. But before he could say anything, Taehyung sits up again and out his back on the back of the sofa.

"You know, we were suppose to go and have dinner together. I wanted to surprise him so i went to his office... obviously i didnt tell him before hand because duhh... a suprise right.. but i guess god has prepared his own surprise for me.. i saw him, with a girl.. sitting together in the office cafeteria.. no no no no, i know what you're gonna say, she must've been just a colleague, nothing more and what not, BUT!!! then there was this little girl, sitting together with them, the three of them in one table. They were laughing and talking and giggling and I DONT EVEN KNOW THAT MY HUSBAND IS ACTUALLY CAPABLE OF GIGGLING!!" Taehyung rant off to Jungkook like he is some stranger.

Jungkook was about to say something but Taehyung made a 'shh' gesture which implies he hasn't stopped talking yet.

"I guess they didnt notice me, i mean , of course why would they, they were in their own perfect little world. I'd be lying if i say im not jealous but i dont want to speculate, so i just watched them from afar. THANK GOD I WAS WEARING MY BEANIE AND SUNGLASSES otherwise it would've been obvious. So you know, i keep watching them and i saw them hold hands. My husband and the girl. At that point on i wasnt sure what to think actually, ha ha ha. Then i hear whispers. Do you know what i hear?" Taehyung ask Jungkook.

Jungkook just nodded. Taehyung inch closer to Jungkook and whisper as if he is scared that someone else might heard them.

"The CEO of Jeon's company is cheating on his husband with his secretary for almost a year now. Thats what i heard. His employee never really sees me before so they wont recognise me. And then you know what else i hear? The employees actually said that the two of them looked good together, he he and they do. I was planning to leave first but then they got up, they hold hands together with the little girl in the middle and they went to god-know-where and that hurts me, right here.." Taehung pats his chest.

He was already crying.

"Haishhh seriously, i said i wasnt gonna cry though and here i am, crying in front of a stranger. What a cry baby i am." He laughed out loud but then his laughed slowly turns to cry. He was wiping his tears but it just wont stop flowing and Jungkook? He is crying too.

He wanted to calm Taehyung but the sound of him crying.. he just dont know what to do. After a while Taehyung stopped crying and look at Jungkook before lie back to the floor.

"So yeah, i chicken out.. i ditch the dinner and avoid him. I didnt reply his text, answer his call too" Taehyung continued but his voice is so soft, it sounded like he almost feel asleep.

"Please dont tell my husband...

But im going to ask him for a divorce...."

And Taehyung feel asleep on the living room floor.

Leaving Jungkook completely breathless after hearing what Taehyung just said.

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