Book ideas.

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I had this written down on my notes and i just have to share it with you guys.

If it's good enough then i'll make it into a book.

Basically its a letter than Jimin wrote to Yoongi. I was crying so much when i wrote it and really, im a mess right now. Lol! I dont even know why im so emotional. 😂 anyway, here goes the letter.


Dear Yoongi,

If you're reading this then it means that something bad happened to me..which means that i didn't screw up this time.

Im sorry that you had to meet me. Im sorry that you had to know me. I sorry that i screw everything up for you. Im sorry that im not everything you ever wanted. Im sorry im not Hoseok.

I never meant any of this to happened, all i ever wanted was to meet my soulmate, and i did. You were everything i ever dreamed of and more.

I know it was a wishful thinking that we can be more than acquaintance but when you decided to accept my friendship, i told myself that its enough, its okay to have you in my life as a friend rather than none at all.

But hope was just death in disguise, i let myself hope and think it was okay to want more..i ended up screwing things up for you. When you told me that you could never love me and you only accepted me because Hoseok asked you to.

There's no way to sugarcoat how badly that hurt me and when my checkup result were back from the Hospital, it was only then i realize. It was then i understand why this is happening.

I can never be me Yoongi, and thats the harsh truth i have to accept. Just because we're soulmate does not mean that we're destined to be together. It was never suppose me for you Yoongi, it was Hoseok all along and i understand it now.

I messed it up for the both of you and no amount of sorry could make up for that, but this time i can make it right. I can give back the chance to you and Hoseok. I can give back what i've taken Yoongi. I can give you back your happiness.

If only i were to be gone from your life then you can go back to Hoseok and the Universe is giving me the chance by giving me the tumor in my head. I couldn't take the surgery early because i have a high chance of survival and if i survived, it would mean that i messed up. Which is why i didn't tell you or the others about my tumor.

Please dont feel bad Yoongi. This is what was meant to be. Im sorry that the Universe is a dick and took its time to turn and twist before you get to where you were suppose to be.

Please tell Seokjin hyung and Taehyung to not mourn or cry for me. I had a great life. I was accepted into their family with open arms. I work as a choreographer because dancing and music is part of my life. I have Jungkook and Hoseok as a friend whom brighten my entire life because they made me smile and supported me for my passion. I had Dr.Kim to be my shoulder to cry on and lift my spirits up and treated me just like a brother.

And lastly, i had a soulmate like you Yoongi. Who is passionate and earnest. Funny and honest. God, who would've thought that i came to love you so much. You were my entire world Yoongi. Despite how things has been going on between us, i wouldn't have it otherwise.

Because i get to meet you. Because i get to see you. Because i get know you. Because i get to love you. And it has been a privilege for me.

Thank you for everything Yoongi and i truly wish from the bottom of my heart and i'll pray, that you will get the chance you deserve, because no one else in this world deserve to be happy more than you.

Please be happy Yoongi, i hope that you dont mind, please live this life for the two of us. And if you agree, i hope you can tell me all about it when you come to see me, which i truly wish that it wont come too soon.

Goodbye Yoongi,

Sincerely, Park Jimin.


As usual, you know the drill. Please let me know what you guys think.

Oh and p/s, bonus chapter for Broken is coming. 💜

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