3rd person POV
He feel tired, helpless and hopeless for the past few days, he feel like his soul is being drained. He is so tired of keeping a secret, a secret that is not his, and it cost him his marriage.. it cost him Kim Taehyung.
With nowhere else to go, he went home. Not his house with Taehyung, but to his parents house. He's so out of option that he needs his mother for advice. So he went. It was dark outside, and when he arrived, his mother open the door before he even get out of the car. Her smile and happiness can be seen as it has been a while since Jungkook visited them.
"Jungkook, this is a lovely surprise. Why didnt you tell us beforehand you were coming? What is we were out? And where's Taehyung?" His mother ask him, smile that didnt leave her lips but her eyes wonder at the passenger seat in Jungkook car, hoping to see her son-in-law. Disappointed that he is not with her son. She miss his box smile.
Jungkook walks to his mother, the happiness in her voice asking for Taehyung brought tears to his eyes. He embrace his mother, tightly. In her arms, he cries, like a little boy who lost his balloons, or little boy who lost in a soccer match. Confused, but still managed to hug her soon. She has no idea what is going on and maybe the lack of Taehyung's presence may somehow be connected to Jungkook bawling in her arms. His father who hear the cries went to the door to check the situation, only to meet the eyes of confusion from his wife. They had to wait for Jungkook to calm down and tell then what's going on.
After Jungkook's mother manage to convince her son to calm down and went inside the house, Jungkook calm down. Embarrassed by his action earlier but he just cant seem to hold it in anymore and seeing her mother made him cry, maybe it's a mother thing. Jungkook is in the kitchen, sitting on the chair. He was given some warm tea and after he takes a sip, he put it on the counter table in front of him. So he told his mother everything. What he's been hiding from everyone including Taehyung for the past 8 months, which lead to him neglecting his husband. His mother didn't utter a word and attentively listen to Jungkook. There were times where she wanted to interrupt but her husband made a 'don't let him finished' gesture to her and she didn't.
"I know. Im an idiot" Jungkook say after telling his parents everything. He promised Arisa, Lisa's sister that he wont tell anyone but he's tired, really tired and just don't care about anything anymore. "I may have known about this matter. Heard whispers in the office when i went to visit" his father said and Jungkook is surprise. His father knew about the rumor but he didn't say anything to him? Is he upset with him? Disappointed? But the one that scares him the most is his mother, who is being uncharacteristically silent.
A loud sigh came out from his mother mouth and Jungkook brace himself for scolding. He knew he's digging his own grave.
"So basically, Chayeon is Lisa's sister's daughter? Arisa? His mother ask. Jungkook nod.
"The model who's name is rising nowadays and got nominated for the top 10 model in Korea?" He nod again.
"But nobody knew that she had a daughter, who is 8 years old now? And the father whereabout is unknown because it was actually a one night stand and she got pregnant when she was 18?" He nod
"But she cant tell the public that she's a mother of one because it might jeopardize her spot and it might ruin her career as a model because she was involve in such a big scandal?" Repeatedly, Jungkook nod.
"So instead of coming clean with her dirty laundry, she just ran with it? Dragging you and her sister with her? And that president of her company, which happens to be your best friend" he nod, again.
"So when people see you leaving the office with Lisa, you were actually going to her sister and your friend? To figure things out? The whole time? And you didnt even tell Taehyung about any of this?" His mother ask. This time she just want to make sure she has all the information. Jungkook nod and gives out a sigh.
"Why would you just keep quite about this? You could've told Taehyung the truth and none of this would've happened. All of this mess could be avoided if only you tell Taehyung. How could you turn your back on him like that? Did you assume that he will understand? Without you telling him anything? Or you expect him to just blindly understand you?? He has a heart, Jungkook, for goodness sake, he has a feeling. How dare you put him aside like that?!" His mother finally let out a roar.
"You could've let him know and ask him not to tell anyone, then he wouldnt tell a soul. Why dont you trust your husband? Just because Arisa is worried that Taehyung might tell his mother doesnt mean that you should be worry too! You know him, Jungkook. He would never do anything to hurt you or harm your reputation. He stood by you! Through everything. Is your faith in your husband really is that little? Dont you have faith in him?" She asked. More like pushing Jungkook.
"I dont know, okay. I didnt know that it would turn out like this. I dont know what to do!" Jungkook answer her. Clearly frustrated that his mother seems to not understand his situation.
"You come here! You come home. Talk to me, im your mother, that's what you should do so we can figure this out! Or do you not have faith in me too?" She ask her son. She didnt mean to put the blame onto Jungkook but clearly, her son is indeed, at fault and pain can be heard from her voice. Make Jungkook's eyes filled with warm tears. He knew the situation he is in and he knows that he's the one to blame. But he really didn't expect Taehyung to give up on him.
"So what now? What are you going to do?" Afterwards his mother ask him. But he stays silent, then he asnwered. "I dont know mom, tell me what to do because i seriously dont know" Jungkook pleaded. He sounded tired, tired from all of this.
"Thats the thing Jungkook, i cant tell you, nobody can tell you. You got to want it" his mother answer. Honestly thats not the answer Jungkook was looking for. He wanted someone to tell him what to do, because he tried doing things his way and this is where he ended up.
"My heart is breaking for that Arisa girl, truly i am but is that secret worth keeping? Is she worth the protection? Even if it cost Taehyung? If you still decided that you want to protect her then go ahead, continue this lies. Keep the secret. But let Taehyung go. That boy deserve to be happy....even if it means that he'll no longer be part of this family..." his mother says, at first she speaks in a stern voice, but when she speaks about Taehyung, her voice soften. Her hear breaks at the thought of how his son treats Taehyung.
She gets up from her seat, leaving Jungkook to his own thought. She didnt want to let Taehyung go, she didnt want Jungkook to divorce him. she loves him, like her own son. But Jungkook needs to learn, he cant take people for granted just because sometimes they let him. Jungkook needs to learn to treasure him. She know her son, Jungkook still loves Taehyung, but he's caught in so many thought and Jungkook tend to overthink things. If only Jungkook let go of the unnecessary thoughts then it would be clear to him. He loves Taehyung. She does everything she could to make Jungkook understand that, now its up to Jungkook to realize that by himself.
Jungkook is left alone in the kitchen. His mother final words rings in his ears. He think, deep and hard. He tries to clear his mind, try to think rationally. Trying to find a win-win solution for his situation. He left to ponder his decision.
And he made his decision.

Любовные романы"Dont tell my husband, but im actually going to ask him to divorce me" drunken Taehyung said to Jungkook.. who is actually his husband. Start : 07/08/2019 Completed : 09/02/2020 All of the chapters is un-edited so you may see a lot of typos. Will p...