Author Note

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Hello my loves! It's been so long since I've written anything, I apologize but I'm ready to get back into it again. Better to use my spare time doing this rather than nothing lol.

So I've been REALLY into Doctor Mike lately and there's little to no stories about him so here I am making one because he's hella cute and intelligent, I'm a total fangirl whoops.

Now I'm a student Medical Administrator (Fancy words for receptionist shhhh) meaning I am still studying and not yet fully qualified. I attempt to use medical terminology correctly but there might be cases where that may not be the case without myself realising or knowing. I just want to be safe and say do not make up a diagnosis or prognosis due to any medical related terminology used in this story, if you are concerned about any health issues, please see your general practitioner or in an emergency situation, attend your local hospital. I know you guys are smarter than to self diagnose or medicate but I wanted to make sure xx.

If you've never seen a Dr Mike video, you should! He's a real life DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) who educates millions about medicine and how it is being a medical professional. I've linked his channel for anyone wanting to go investigate. He has accomplished a lot and deserves a lot of credit for it.

Anyway, without any further delay, enjoy the story!

(Don't judge my writing skills please, I'm rusty as all hell lol)

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