Chapter Ten

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I waited at the airport while holding Niall's hand

"Are you excited?" Niall smiled at me

I nodded and felt the knot in my stomach tighten

Of course I wanted to meet my sister, but what if everyone loved her more because she was better than me? I feel like such a six year old right now..

I looked as the airport doors flung open

Walked out a girl who resembled me, but something was a bit off

I have no idea what it was but everybody seemed to notice, since the car ride was a little awkward

She looked like me but was so quiet which is something I am not

Since we had so many people, we had to take two cars

Me, Niall, Lucy, Mom, and Dad

And the rest of the boys in the other

I sat in the middle of Lucy and Niall while my parents were in the front

I expected this to be exciting and happy, like we would run together and hug, non stop talking

But the exact opposite was happening

I felt the worst awkward tension ever

I tried to make conversation but it would end up with a nod for an answer

I leaned my head on Niall's shoulder and heard Lucy huff

Once the car ride was over, and we were finally home, I hopped out with Niall

We walked in and my mom suggested I show Lucy around the house

I nodded and grabbed Niall's hand

"Without Niall" My mom glared slightly

I dropped his hand and gestured Lucy to follow me

I started upstairs

"This is my-er our mom's- erm parent's room" I said leading her to the large master bedroom. I wasn't used to saying "our" and "parents"

I looked at her to see if she would say anything

All I got was a simple nod and then I decided to just move on

"This is my room" I said leading her to my room

She gave me another nod and I rolled my eyes slightly

Why couldn't she just talk to me?

"This is your room, you can get settled while I get your luggage" I forced smiled before walking away

I walked downstairs and my mom gave me a smile

I nodded and picked up her heavy bags, lugging them up the stairs turned the small corner to her room and stopped when I heard sobs

I didn't know what to do, so I walked in and sat beside her

"Why are you crying?" I whispered

"You don't want me here! Nobody wants me! Thats why they dumped me away in the first place!" She choked

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"I don't see pictures of me around here, I only see pictures of my blood parents! And you! How am I gonna campare to you?" She shouted

"You don't have to compare to me-"

"Yes I do! We're twins! Everyone is going to look for the better one! You have friends and family! I have nothing" She screamed as she buried her face in her hands

For no reason, I looked at her arms

Patches of cuts layered her skin, crisscrossing in everyway, almost no patch of skin was left untouched

I stared in complete awe

I've never seen cuts as bad as hers and it scared me

"What are you staring at?" She growled

"I- um- nothing" I said

"Leave, I don't need you here" She said

I nodded before running out of the room

I ran downstairs and found everyone sitting on the couches

"So, how'd it go?" My dad asked

I sat beside Niall and cried

"Hey, hey. Whats wrong?" Niall said as he rubbed my back

"She- her- arms" I choked and Harry came over to my face

"Shhhh, just stop" He whispered which calmed me

I closed my eyes and buried my face into Niall's shirt

"Wanna talk about it?" Harry asked

"She hates me" I said

"Why?" Niall asked

"She hates all of us" I whispered

"Gossiping about me already?" Lucy said from the stairs

"Lucy, could we have a talk with you?" My mom asked sweetly

Lucy nodded and sat on the couch

She glared at me and then looked at my mom

"I want you to feel welcome" My mom said

"I would feel a lot more welcome if she didn't slap me!" Lucy exclaimed as she pointed at me

"Is this true?" My dad said

"I didn't!" I shouted

"She did!" Lucy exclaimed

"Claire, we do not hit" My dad shook his head

"I didn't" I whispered

"She did! Look!" Lucy said pointing to her cheek which was flushed red

"CLAIRE!" My mom exclaimed


"Claire, can I have a talk with you?" My dad said

I nodded and got up

I walked into the kitchen where my dad glared at me

"What?" I asked

"Why did you hit her?" He asked

"I didn't" I said on the verge of tears

"Well, how would she get that mark?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"You aren't aloud to see Niall anymore" My father growled as he started walking

"What! Dad!" I shouted

"He obviously brings out bad things in you. You two are over!" He shouted

I stood there as he stared at me

I felt tears run down my face

"I hate you!" I yelled and shoved him

I ran out and up the stairs

Into my room, not turning on the lights, and sobbed

I buried my face deep into the pillow and screamed

He couldn't take away Niall from me

Lucy was making me look like a terrible person

I'm not violent! Niall brings out the best in me!

I cried for what seemed to be hours until someone came in

"Claire?" A voice whispered

I wasn't exactly sure if it was Niall but I assumed it was

"Niall, come here, please" I begged


"Please" I sobbed

I heard the person walk to my bed and get in the covers with me

I snuggled up to his chest and sobbed slightly

I relaxed soon after and drifted off to sleep

Last Goodbyes (I warn you, Niall is in it) :)Where stories live. Discover now