Chapter Twenty

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"What!" The boys and I shouted at my mom as we bounced on the couch

"I'm sorry!" My mom exclaimed

"But no!" Yelled Louis

"But why?!" Bellowed Harry

"But-" Niall started

"No buts!" My mom silenced them

I folded my arms over my chest "Mom. No, what if they ruin-" I told her

"They are coming and that's final" My mom said sternly

"I don't want to hear anymore complaining!" She said before walking into the kitchen

I picked up Patches and held him

He whimpered

He didn't want Lucy or Dad to come either I bet

They were coming to visit

Kill me.

Last time they were here it ruined everything

A famous band

The best relationship ever

It ruined our family

Not just my blood family, but my family with the boys too

I just got Niall back, the last thing I want it Lucy to take him away again!

They're arriving tonight!

Niall wrapped his arm around me "Nothing can separate us again, I promise" He whispered

"I love you Niall" I murmured, wrapping my arms around his neck

"I love you too" He rubbed my back

"Group hug guys" Louis said ruining Niall's and my moment

The boys caressed us in a big bear hug

"I love you guys" Louis pretended to sob

"I love you" We all said in unison

"Hey, I say we go to the park! Let's have some fun!" Liam announced

"That sounds great Liam" I smiled

We threw on some sweaters and headed out the door to the park

It was beautiful in the fall time

The leaves were tinted with warm toasty reds, yellows, and oranges

The colours melted together flawlessly

I held Niall's hand as we sat on a bench and watched the boys gather the leaves into piles and then they dove into the piles, sending leaves flying everywhere

It was like watching little children play

I chuckled at Louis, who was having the time of his life throwing leaves at Harry

Suddenly, leaves of every colour covered my body

I turned and saw Zayn and Liam had dunked a pile of leaves on Niall and I

"He told me to do it!" Liam shouted as he ran off and dived into a pile of leaves

I grabbed an arm full of leaves and chased after Zayn

Louis grabbed me from behind causing me to drop my leaves

"Ahahahaa! Louis put me down!" I laughed

He walked me over and dropped me into a huge pile

I landed with a crunch of the leaves being squashed by my bottom

The boys collasped in fits of laughter along with myself

Last Goodbyes (I warn you, Niall is in it) :)Where stories live. Discover now